Page 23 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
P. 23

gold market. This effort is aimed at exerting influence over the financial affairs of the

               United States, ensuring that the development of the financial system aligns with the
               principles of British capitalism and remains a fundamental aspect of post-war financial

               conditions.   The Keynesian theory, also called the theory of total expenditure in the
               economy, examines the impact of economic growth or collapse (Green, 2020, p. 81).

               The approach aims to stimulate the global economy by increasing government spend-
               ing and reducing taxes, hence boosting demand and addressing its underdeveloped

               state.   Simultaneously with the financial reforms in England, establishing the Bretton

               Woods credit placed an additional stress on the London economy.
                      The financial downturn directly impacts the community's food security and avail-

               ability of food supply.   The economic crises resulting from climate change has ad-
               versely affected countries' food supply, leading to agricultural failures.   Ensuring food

               security will be a top concern for the community for the food chain and supply.   at

               recent years, Hossain, Nilsson, and Marti (2021) have highlighted the growing signifi-
               cance of food security as a pressing issue impacting the Arctic region at the North

               Pole. This region is characterized by regional uncertainty and the presence of circum-
               polar conditions.   A study has investigated the reasons behind the increasing uncer-

               tainty of food security in this region. The study aims to comprehensively explore the

               elements that impact the ability to provide food for the community and ensure a stable
               food supply.   They have a significant impact on food security systems across the entire

               region.   Food security factors have a substantial impact on geopolitics, socioeconom-
               ics, and cultural dimensions.   The effects of global climate change on geopolitics are

               unevenly distributed across regions, influencing the environment, geophysics (such as
               natural resource exploration, groundwater, and physical mapping), economy, and the

               political and socio-cultural aspects of human life in each region.   Simultaneously, these

               political, economic, social, and cultural changes present opportunities for globalisation
               expansion and seamlessly integrate into regional ecosystems.

               2.3. The Natural Resource Management

                      The region experienced many impacts of climate change due to the changes in

               climate  patterns,  environmental  factors,  land  use,  and  management  of  natural  re-
               sources.   The changes exert pressure on the traditional food supply chain, affecting

               the production processes of farmers and the overall food security system in the region.
               Moreover,  the  convergence  of  technological  advancements  and  the  worldwide

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