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we can endure. The undeniable fact is that exposure   •  “If you are struggling, you are not weak, weird or
           to trauma, especially when it happens intensely and   broken. You are human, and you are not alone. Reach
           repeatedly, can have a multitude of adverse effects on   out and get help when you feel it is time. There are
           those so exposed.                                     many great people out there that are willing to help
                                                                 you. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed about it.
           Concluding Thoughts                                   Reach out and get your life back!”
             Some of my communications with corrections          How “good” are you? 
           personnel from agencies across the country and
           overseas fill me with joy and hope that the “I’m good!”   Reference
           code of silence is indeed being gradually taken apart in   Friedman, M., & Higson-Smith, C. (2003). Building
           several corrections workforce cultures.                psychological resilience: Learning from the South African
             I’m thankful that increasingly more correctional     police service. In: Paton, D., Violanti, J.M. & Smith, L.M.,
           agencies are providing a variety of wellness resources   (eds.), Promoting capabilities to manage posttraumatic stress:
           for their staff, while acknowledging the damage        Perspectives on resilience. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
           occupational stressors confer on staff’s physical,
           psychological and spiritual health.
             In closing, here are the thoughts of two corrections   Caterina Spinaris, PhD, LPC, is the founding director of
                                                               Desert Waters Correctional Outreach, Inc., a Colorado-based
           professionals who have addressed these issues publicly:  501(c)(3) corporation with the mission to advance the well-
           •  “The biggest reason people like you and me go    being of correctional staff and their families, and the health of
                                                               correctional agencies, through data-driven, skill-based training.
             undiagnosed is denial. It is the fear and stigma   She may be contacted at
             attached to ‘mental health’ that keeps us from
             seeking the help we need. It is the unfounded fear
             that our brothers and sisters will think poorly of us
             and think us weak. It is this fear I am attempting to
             overcome in the hope you will overcome it as well.”

                                              Election time is here! Ballots are to be mailed
                                              and electronic voting opens on January 14,
                                              2022. Ballots are due February 14, 2022.

                                              Your vote is important and decides how AJA continues
                                              to represent your interests and needs.

                                              This is your opportunity to vote for the officers and members
                                              of the Board of Directors who will manage the American Jail
                                              Association for 2021–2022. For this election, AJA members
                                              vote for 3rd Vice President, Treasurer, and four seats for a
                                              3-year-term director.

                                              Your e-mail address needs to be current in order to receive
                                              electronic ballot information. Look for an email from
                                              Association Voting with log-in instructions to vote online.

                                              To ensure that you receive a ballot, log-in to your profile to
                                              confirm your address.

                                              If you have any questions, contact
                                              Michele Florian at

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