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Most people who                                                           don’t use our resources
           are drawn to a career   …herein lies the problem:                           in times of adversity. We
           in corrections enter                                                        only get through it with
           it with a certain                                                           pure determination and
           amount of resilience.                                                            an adherence to our
           Some of it is innate                                                             defined role.
           because we are all born with a                                                      What is our issue?
           certain level of resilience. But a lot    We don’t ask for                       We are human. We
           of our resilience is earned through                                              have needs, wants,
           a tough childhood, traumatic                                                     and those pesky
           events, or watching others                                                       emotions that insist
           experience events that we                                               on being felt. Problems at home,
           felt helpless to prevent       help and we don’t                        a bad fight in the facility, an
           or fix.                                                                 ailing parent or child, a new
             We find a career in                                                   policy requiring extra work,
           corrections appealing                                                             constantly feeling
           because it allows us to “fix things”                                              overwhelmed, and
           for others. To protect, serve, and      use our resources in                      on and on.
           prevent bad things from happening.                                                   In his book,
           It happened to us, and we are called                                              The Body Keeps the
           to this public service                                                            Score, Dr. Bessel
           profession so that it                                                 van der Kolk writes that we are
           doesn’t happen to others.     times of adversity.                     traumatized when our resources
             Through those life                                                  (resiliency tools) are inadequate to
           lessons, we learned how                                               deal with an external threat.
           to survive. We learned                                                   What does this mean? Unless
           how to get through tough                                             we actually use our internal and
           parts, sometimes with little to no   you had, which ones you need to   external resources in times of
           support. Survival is important, but   strengthen, and those still needing   adversity and trauma, they don’t
           it is no way to live on a consistent   to development. Then I asked you   help us through the event. Picture a
           basis. In fact, it is unhealthy. We can   to take steps toward those goals.  car mechanic who sits in a broken-
           do more.                             In this article, I discuss how to   down car. He turns the key (or
             In the past two articles that   use those resources to become more   pushes the start button) every three
           appeared in American Jails, I defined   resilient during a moment of trauma   seconds, hoping the engine starts
           resilience as the ability to prepare   or adversity.                 instead of using his knowledge and
           for, cope with, and grow through                                     tools to fix the problem.
           adversity.                        Survivors and Fixers
             First, I discussed the importance   We often don’t utilize the     Trauma Recovery Plan
           of preparing for adversity and    resources we have at our disposal    When we’re experiencing trauma
           developing the resources we need   because—remember—we are           and adversity, we must use our
           to be more resilient. There are both   survivors and fixers. Our thoughts   resources in order for us to truly be
           internal and external resources in   tell us that we’ve “been there done   resilient and healthy. That is why it
           four different categories:        that” in regards to adversity, thus   is important for everyone to have a
           •  mental,                        we can deal with this situation by   trauma recovery plan.
           •  physical,                         We have also taken on the role    This is a plan you can turn to
           •  spiritual, and                 of “fixer” for friends and family.    when you are in trauma, adversity,
                                                                                or simply feeling a little off. It’s
           •  social.                        We became the ones to whom         developed when you are in a
             I asked you to create a list of   people turn in times of trouble, and   good, healthy place, and involves
           what makes you more resilient;    we can’t look weak because there   answering the following questions:
           for example, your family, friends,   is an expectation that we are the   •  Who can I call?
           faith, money, good eating habits,   “strong ones.” And, quite frankly,   •  What can I do?
           a therapist or hobbies—just to    we often are.
           name a few. I challenged you to      But herein lies the problem:    •  Where do I go?
           think about how many resources    We don’t ask for help and we

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