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Your AJA                                                                                Visit

      Member Benefits                                                                   benefits work for you!
                                                                                        to discover how your

                                            AMERICAN JAILS
                                                                     BIG SAVINGS



                                        Helping you become a better, smarter, and
                                         more effective correctional professional.

      Advocacy—Let your concerns be        Big Savings—Receive exclusive        Discovery—Engage with peers and
      heard. AJA represents local corrections  savings on education and professional   leaders at iConnect, a place for
      and their staff on Capitol Hill.     development, including:              knowledge exchange, networking,
                                                                                and idea curation. Our online message
      AJAlert—Stay current on news in          • Professional development       board brings together AJA members
      the field. Our weekly e-newsletter is     seminars
                                                                                across the country to a virtual
      designed to update our members on        • Online education opportunities   meeting place.
      current events that are important to
                                                and webinars
      jail facilities, as well as the latest news                               Resources—Access AJA’s Digital
      from AJA.                                • Publications                   Resource Library, containing more
                                               • Training materials             than a decade of magazines and
      American Jails—Gain knowledge                                             other AJA publications through a
      and learn new strategies. Our            • Registration fee for the AJA    complimentary website.
      award-winning, bimonthly magazine         application fees for our Certified
      publishes information written by          Jail Manager, Certified Jail
      professionals in corrections.             Supervisor, and Certified Jail
                                                Officer programs

                              American Jail Association | 301.790.3930 | |
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