Page 93 - Up_and_Aware_Class_6
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Chapter 2: Respect (Empathy)
Think About and Discuss (on page 17):
1. Get learners to think about disrespect and how they can be respectful or disrespectful towards others.
2. Encourage the learners to imagine if they were in the place of disrespected victims and to evaluate
their feelings in similar situations.
3. The aim of the activity is to make the learners reflect upon their actions by asking them to think of
a situation where they are given an opportunity to make fun of somebody. In the Paired Exercise for
Situation 1 (on page 20), the aim of this activity will become clear.
Keep a glass JAR on your table. JAR stands for ‘Just Acting Right’. Keep little slips of paper in it. Each
slip will have a situation which the learner has to either enact. For example, if there is a long queue at a
fast food joint and you are getting late, what would you do?
Chapter 3: Conflict Resolution (Interpersonal Relationship)
Learners understand the concept of conflict (both interpersonal and intrapersonal) better when they relate
to their own experiences. The facilitator can provide other examples of both:
• Interpersonal—wars like Indo-Pak War, World Wars 1 and 2
• Intrapersonal—personal stories, perhaps, about career choice, choice of friends while growing up, etc.
You can also share personal anecdotes to explain the concept further.
Think about (on page 27):
It is important that learners develop a ‘feelings word vocabulary’ as an extension to comprehending
empathy and to understand points-of-view and perspectives different from their own. You may need to
add to the list and/or explain some words. Invite learners to explain the meanings of words that may not
be understood by others. Help learners expand their vocabulary over time.
In the Conflict Resolution Escalator (on page 28):
Here are some ways that Rohan and Manik could prevent the escalation of conflict or come down the
escalator. They could, at any step on the escalator say—
I’m sorry. I should have asked you before tearing the page.
It was half-torn and I didn’t think that you would care to use the other half.
I don’t want to fight.
I will try not to do things to upset you.
We’re friends and I want to remain friends with you.
I don’t like you touching my things without asking me. Next time, please ask me if you need something that
belongs to me.
Since you’ve apologised, I feel better.
I’m angry right now. I’m going to cool down before I say something mean to you.
We’re friends and I want to remain friends with you.
honesty open-minded individuality trust integrity respect commitment trust equality open-minded commitment 93
individuality integrity commitment equality honesty equality individuality integrity honesty individuality integrity respect