Page 94 - Up_and_Aware_Class_6
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                                    Chapter 4: Responsibility (Effective Communication)
                  The first activity aims to make learners think of the duties and responsibilities that are related to a
                  particular profession. For example, a lifeguard puts his/her best efforts to save lives. Introduce the concept
                  of responsibility here.

                  How to facilitate brainstorming:
                  •  There are no right or wrong answers. A facilitator never judges an idea or answer and ensures that
                     learners do not mock, judge or praise each other.
                  •  Encourage learners to come up with as many ideas as possible. When it appears that learners have run
                     out of ideas, wait patiently until more ideas come out.

                  •  Record all ideas on the blackboard to remind learners of repetitions.
                  •  Non-verbal cues or messages such as frowning, rolling eyes, etc., are judgemental responses and are
                     picked up easily by learners, which hampers the creative thinking process.

                  •  Practise brainstorming regularly in the classroom as it has a ripple effect. It also enables learners to
                     think across situations, curriculum and real-life scenarios.
                  •  Some ideas to brainstorm are: What would happen if the sun never set? What if all plants were purple
                     in colour?

                  Paired Exercise (on page 38):
                  Through this exercise, learners will develop an ability to follow and give instructions, both critical
                  components of communication, and in understanding what is involved in learning responsibility.

                  Pair learners. Ask one learner from each pair to leave the classroom. Allot 10 minutes for this activity. Give
                  out the following instructions to the learners in the class:

                  1.  Listen carefully to my instructions. You will ask your partner to draw this image/any image (draw on
                     the board) by giving instructions only.

                  2.  You will place your hands on your lap. You are not allowed to use your hands/fingers to draw the figure
                     in the air or to explain it.

                  3.  Raise your hands when you are done.

                  More than a story (on page 40):
                  The focus of this story is responsibility. Stress upon the importance of acting responsibly even in times of
                  crisis to enable learners in helping themselves and others.

           94          honesty        open-minded               individuality       trust         integrity                             respect            commitment         trust         equality        open-minded    commitment
           individuality integrity                commitment             equality       honesty             equality                individuality          integrity          honesty        individuality        integrity        respect
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99