Page 97 - Up_and_Aware_Class_6
P. 97
soda can aluminium, tin
leather belt skin of animals
book trees
rubber slippers rubber tree
Chapter 8: Celebrating Diversity—People (Empathy)
Paired Exercise (on page 63):
Saying ‘hello’ in different languages is a good way for learners to know more about other languages, races,
nationalities and ethnicities. The equivalent of the word ‘hello’ in different languages may sound different
in various languages but it remains a universal greeting.
Namaste India
Bonjour France
Hola Spain
Gruezi Switzerland
Ciao Italy
Privet Russia
Swadika Thailand
Konnichiwa Japan
Ni Hao China
Salaam Alaikum Arab Countries
Exercise (on page 64):
Ask learners which of the two pictures did they like: the single colour or the multi-colour one, and why.
Ask learners what they think their school, their family, neighbourhood and the world would be like if all
the people in it looked, talked, dressed, ate and thought alike.
Think About and Discuss (on page 65):
Use the poem ‘Colours in the Rainbow’ to elucidate the point that diversity has to be respected and one
must learn peaceful co-existence.
honesty open-minded individuality trust integrity respect commitment trust equality open-minded commitment 97
individuality integrity commitment equality honesty equality individuality integrity honesty individuality integrity respect