Page 113 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 113
104 4.2 Weaning onto Solid Foods – Complementary Feeding
Table 4.2.3 Appropriate items from each food group
Food groups Appropriate foods to introduce
Group 1: Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and Potato, toast crusts, rice, couscous, pasta, porridge and other
other starchy foods breakfast cereals
Group 2: Fruit and vegetables Soft ripe fruits, cooked harder fruits, cooked vegetables
Group 3: Milk, cheese and yogurt Yogurt, cheese, custard and milk puddings
Group 4: Meat, fish, eggs, nuts and pulses Meat, fish, well-cooked eggs, pulses (peas, beans and lentils) and
nut butters or pastes of finely ground nuts
Fruit juices are not necessary for infants and if used meals but high-vitamin C fruits and vegetables in
they should always be well-diluted and offered in a the meal will be just as effective.
cup not a bottle. High-vitamin C juices do aid iron
absorption from plant-based foods at vegetarian Meals can finish with the usual milk feed or a
milk pudding.
Menu planner for 6–7 months
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 – vegetarian
Breakfast Wheat biscuit with Porridge with mashed Breakfast wheat biscuit (e.g
mashed pear and milk banana and milk Weetabix) with mashed
Finger food: banana strawberries and milk
Finger food: ripe pear sticks Finger food: strawberries
Midday Puréed lamb with Poached white fish with Courgette, cauliflower and
meal mashed potato and vegetables chick pea curry
Finger food: cooked Finger food: cooked parsnip
Finger food: cooked broccoli florets sticks
broccoli florets
Evening Mashed mango and Mashed cooked apple Mashed peach and apricot
meal yogurt and pear Finger food: peach slices
Finger food: mango Finger food: ripe pear
slices slices
Menu planner for 7–9 months Day 2 Day 3 – vegetarian
Day 1
Baby porridge with Scrambled egg with
Breakfast Baby rice with mashed peach sultanas and milk toast
and milk Finger food: banana slices Finger food: toast
Finger food: ripe peach slices