Page 116 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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Milk Feeds for Infants 6–12 Months 107

Weaning Infants at High Risk                           Milk Feeds for Infants 6–12 Months
of Allergy
                                                       Breast milk or formula milk continue to be an
Infants are at higher risk of allergy if they have a   important part of an infant’s nutritional intake,
parent or sibling with eczema, asthma, hay fever       however, these milk feeds should decrease as the
and/or food allergies. Ideally, breastfeeding          quantity of solid food increases:
should be continued throughout weaning and the
highly allergenic foods should be introduced one       ●● The amount of breast milk taken should
at a time so that any reaction to these foods can be      naturally decrease as the infant is able to
noted.                                                    regulate his or her own milk intake if allowed to
                                                          continue feeding on demand.
   Highly allergenic foods are:
                                                       ●● Early morning milk feeds should be
●● cow’s milk                                             discontinued from around 9 months to
                                                          encourage more food to be eaten at breakfast. A
●● egg                                                    milk feed can be offered after breakfast.

●● nuts                                                ●● When two courses are offered at the other two
                                                          main meals, the milk feed can be dropped at one
●● fish and seafood                                       meal – particularly if a milk pudding is given as
                                                          the second course.
●● wheat
                                                       Formula-fed infants need to decrease their milk
●● soya                                                intake in the same way. Parents feeding formula
                                                       milk should be advised to offer less milk after
●● sesame seeds                                        meals and not to encourage finishing the whole
                                                       bottle but to let the infant stop when he or she
●● lupin                                               indicates they have had enough. By 9 months
                                                       formula milk intake should be about 500–600 mL
●● celery                                              milk per day (Department of Health 1994).

●● mustard.                                               Expected intakes at each weaning stage are
                                                       listed in Table 4.2.5.
There is no evidence to delay introducing these
foods beyond specified ages (Zutavern et al. 2006,
Anderson et al. 2009), but some parents may prefer
to introduce them slightly later than less allergenic
foods. More research is needed in this area before
more specific recommendations can be made.

Table 4.2.5  Expected milk and food intake at each weaning stage

Stage  Age guide               Milk feeds  Meals Variety of foods
1      Around 6 months. Begin       5–4
2      by 6 months but not          4–3      1–2 From one or two food groups
       before 4 months
3      6–9 months                   3–2       3 Three different meals with foods from all four
                                                       nutritious food groups
       9–12 months                                     One or two courses per meal
                                                       Offer water in a cup with each meal
                                                       Vitamin A and D supplement for breastfed babies

                                              3 Three different meals from four nutritious food
                                                       Two courses per meal
                                                       Offer water in a cup with each meal
                                                       Vitamin A and D supplement for breastfed babies
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