Page 114 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 114
Progressing Through the Weaning Stages 105
Midday Baked mackerel with roasted Chicken casserole with Vegetable curry with
meal sweet potato and vegetables potato and leeks dhal and rice
Finger food: roasted potato
Evening pieces Finger food: cooked carrot Finger food: cooked
meal Rice pudding with cooked sticks carrot sticks
plums and slices of ripe plum
as finger food Egg custard and slices of Strawberries with
ripe pear yogurt
Scrambled egg with toast
Finger food: toast fingers Poached fish with mashed Pasta with red pepper
Mashed kiwi fruit with fruit potato and lentil sauce
Finger food: potato chips Finger food: cooked
pasta pieces
Mashed peaches and slices
of ripe peach Mashed banana and
banana slices
Weaning stage 3: 9–12 months When infants join in family meals they learn to
like the taste of family foods. They also develop
Foods to offer their own feeding skills by watching and copying
A variety of foods from all the four food groups other family members’ eating habits.
over the three meals should be offered at this stage.
Two courses at the two main meals will provide a Family foods offered to them should have
wider range of nutrients and tastes. These should been prepared without the addition of salt and
comprise: should not be based on convenience foods that
are high in salt.
●● a savoury first course with starchy food,
vegetables and one of meat, fish, eggs or pulses Texture
Minced and chopped foods can be introduced
●● a fruit or milk-based second course. along with harder finger foods such as raw ripe
fruit and vegetable sticks. Family foods such as
The average numbers of servings to be included sandwiches are also suitable.
from each food group per day are listed in Table
4.2.4. Examples of harder finger foods
Table 4.2.4 Average number of servings from Pieces of raw fruit (e.g. apples, pears)
each food group at 9–12 months
Fruits with the pips or stones removed (e.g.
Food groups Daily servings cherries, halved grapes,a and segments of
Group 1: Bread, rice, 3–4 servings (i.e. at each oranges, satsumas and clementines)
potatoes, pasta and meal)
other starchy foods Raw vegetables (e.g. sticks of cucumber,
Group 2: Fruit and 3–4 servings (i.e. fruit at carrot, peppers, courgette)
vegetables breakfast and a
vegetable and fruit at Breadsticks and crackers
Group 3: Milk, cheese the 2 main meals)
and yogurt 1–2 servings Pitta bread strips with hummus
Group 4: Meat, fish,
eggs, well-ground nuts 1–2 servings or 2–3 for Rice cakes
and pulses vegetarians
Sandwiches with soft fillings
Slices of hard boiled egg
Mini sausages
a Soft round foods are a choking hazard and should be
cut in half.