Page 148 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 148

Meal Plans 139

●● allowing plenty of time for the meal to ensure   ●● holding food in the mouth without swallowing it
   children are not rushed, but ensuring it is not
   prolonged beyond about 30 minutes                ●● crying, shouting or screaming when food is
●● allowing children to decide when they have
   eaten enough. When parents accept that           ●● trying to get out of the chair or away from the
   decision and do not try to coerce them to eat       table
   more, mealtime battles are not set up and
   children become more confident in their          ●● vomiting or spitting food out.
   perception of satiety.
                                                    When a meal is a positive experience it becomes an
Young children indicate they have had enough to     opportunity for toddlers to learn good social skills
eat by:                                             and behaviours associated with eating and
                                                    drinking (e.g. chatting to other children and adults,
●● saying ‘no’ when offered or encouraged to eat    developing good table manners, offering and
   more food                                        sharing food, learning to respect others).

●● keeping their mouth shut                         Meal Plans

●● turning their head away from food being offered  The following menus use seasonal food and
                                                    incorporate a mixture of finger foods and foods
●● putting their hand in front of their mouth       requiring a spoon and fork.

Meal plan for spring

                       Day 1                        Day 2                Day 3

Breakfast              Porridge with dried fruit    Poached egg with     Toasted hot cross
                       and milk                     toast fingers        bun and slices of
Midday                                                                   pear
meal                                                Kiwi fruit slices
                                                                         Hot chocolate to
Evening    Drink       Milk                         Water                drink
           1st course  Chicken nuggets with new     Salmon fish fingers  Roast lamb
                       potatoes and purple          with pasta pieces
           2nd course  sprouting broccoli           Spinach and radish   Potato wedges
           Drink                                    salad
           1st course  Chocolate almond cake                             Broccoli florets
                       with orange segments         Rhubarb crumble
                                                    with custard         Yogurt and
                       Water                                             stoned cherries
                       Hummus and baby spinach                           Water
                       sandwich                     Baked beans on
                                                    toast with carrot    Cheese omelette
                                                    sticks               with asparagus
           2nd course Fruit salad and yogurt        Mini muffin and
                                                    apple slices         Lemon tart with
                                                                         banana slices
           Drink       Water                        Water                and ice cream

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