Page 151 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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142 5.1  Preschool Children 1–4 Years

Nutrients at Risk                                      in a supplement for under-fives (Department of
                                                       Health 1994).
Key nutrients that are often low in the diets of
under-fives are:                                          Vitamin C is usually adequate in the diets of UK
                                                       toddlers but low-income families have the lowest
●● iron                                                intakes and for this reason vitamin C is included in
                                                       the Healthy Start vitamin supplements that should
●● vitamin D                                           be made available to low-income families
                                                       qualifying for this scheme (see www.healthystart.
●● fibre.                                    

The consequences of this are discussed in more         Vegetarian and Vegan Diets
detail in Chapter 5.2.
                                                       A vegetarian diet for preschool children needs
   Vitamin A plays a key role in several systems: the  careful planning to make sure that three servings
immune system, vision, maintenance of skin, hair       of foods from food group 4 are offered each day to
and membranes. Major sources of vitamin A in the       ensure adequate iron intake. Within each meal a
diets of under-fives are meat, milk and carotene in    high-vitamin C food will help the absorption of
fruits and vegetables and past dietary surveys         non-haem iron from vegetarian foods.
showed that about 50 per cent of 1–4 year olds do not
have an adequate intake of vitamin A (Gregory et al.
1995). Consequently the Department of Health
recommends that some vitamin A is also provided

Meal plans for a vegetarian diet with high-iron and high-vitamin C foods

           Day 1                        Day 2                        Day 3

Breakfast  Boiled egg with toast        Baked beans on toast         Toddler muesli with added
           fingers                                                   ground almonds and
                                        Small glass of diluted       strawberries
           Banana slices                orange juice

           Small glass of diluted
           orange juice

Midday     Chick pea curry with         Dhal and rice                Pasta with lentils in
meal       courgette and cauliflower    Broccoli and carrot          bolognaise sauce
                                        Rice pudding
           Rice                         Mango slices                 Green beans

           Yogurt and strawberries                                   Custard and fresh peaches

Evening    Tofu stir fry with noodles,  Cheese omelette with toast   Pitta bread with hummus
meal       cherry tomatoes and          fingers
           spinach                                                   Carrot and cucumber sticks
                                        Pepper slices and courgette
           Pancake with raspberries     sticks                       Slices of kiwi fruit with a
           and ice cream                                             biscuit
                                        Pear slices and a muffin
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