Page 149 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 149

140 5.1  Preschool Children 1–4 Years

Meal plan for summer                              Day 2                   Day 3
                                Day 1
                                                                          Breakfast wheat
Breakfast              Muesli with milk and       Pancake with            biscuit with milk and
                Drink  blueberries                strawberries            peach slices

                       Water                      Glass of milk           Glass of diluted fruit
         1st           Cold chicken pieces with   Mini lamb burger
         course        rice salad and fresh peas                          Tuna pasta
                                                  New potatoes and        Green beans
Midday   2nd                                      cherry tomatoes         Carrot sticks
meal     course
                       Gooseberry fool            Summer pudding with     Strawberries and ice
Evening  Drink                                    fresh berries and       cream
meal                   Water                      fromage frais
         1st           Tomato omelette with                               Water
         course        toast fingers and sliced   Water
                       peppers                                            Ham sandwich with
         2nd                                      Breadsticks with        cucumber and
         course        Melon pieces and yogurt    hummus dip and          courgette sticks
                                                  cucumber slices
         Drink         Water                                              Drop scones with
                                                  Chocolate biscuit and   raspberries
                                                  nectarine slices
                                                  Glass of diluted fruit

Meal plan for autumn                              Day 2                   Day 3
                                Day 1
                                                  Boiled egg with toast   Breakfast wheat
Breakfast              Muesli with milk and       fingers                 biscuit with milk and
                Drink  blackberries                                       sliced pears
                       Milk                                               Glass of diluted fruit
                                                  Glass of diluted fruit  juice
Midday   1st           Chicken nuggets with       juice
meal     course        stir-fried vegetables                              Mini meatballs
                                                  Fish and potato cakes,
         2nd           Apple crumble with         roast butternut squash  Potato wedges
         course        custard                    and parsnips
         Drink         Water                                              Cauliflower florets
                                                  Cooked plums and
                                                  fromage frais           Apple and blackberry
                                                                          compute with yogurt
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