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References and further reading 145

Birch LL and Marlin DW (1982) I don’t like it; I never      American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 95(1):
   tried it: effects of exposure on two-year-old            72–77.
   children’s food preferences. Appetite 3(4): 353–360.  Russell CG and Worsley A (2008) A population-based
                                                            study of preschoolers’ food neophobia and its
Cooke L (2004) The development and modification of          associations with food preferences. Journal of
   children’s eating habits. Nutrition Bulletin 29:         Nutrition Education and Behavior 40(1): 11–19.
Cooke LJ, Chambers LC, Añez EV and Wardle J
   (2011) Facilitating or undermining? The effect of     Bedfordshire Under 5s Healthy Eating Award Project
   reward on food acceptance. A narrative review.        (
   Appetite 57(2): 493–497.                              Comic Company ( ‘Cool
                                                         Kids Use Cups’ leaflet and activity pack.
Department of Health (1994) Weaning and the              Department of Health (
   Weaning Diet. Report on Health and Social Subjects    Delivering Better Oral Health: An evidence-based
   No. 45. London: HMSO.                                 toolkit for prevention, September 2007.
                                                         Healthy Child (
Gregory JR, Collins DL, Davies PSW, Hughes JM and        Healthy Child self learning programme: Module 8
   Clarke PC (1995) National Diet and Nutrition          Growth and nutrition.
   Survey: Children aged 1½ and 4½ years, Volume 1.      Infant and Toddler Forum (w w w.
   Report of the Diet and Nutrition Survey. London: Factsheets and
   HMSO.                                                 Resources: ‘Ten Steps for Healthy Toddlers’; Factsheet
                                                         1.1 Healthy Eating for Toddlers; Factsheet 1.2
Harris G (2008) Development of taste and food            Combining Food for a Balanced Diet; Factsheet 1.3
   preferences in children. Current Opinion in           Portion Sizes for Children 1–4 years; Factsheet 2.1
   Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 11: 315–319.    Why Toddlers Refuse Food.
                                                         National Daycare and Nurseries Association (www.
More J (2010) Teach Yourself Happy Toddler      Publications: Your Essential Guide to
   Mealtimes. London: Hodder Education.                  Nutrition, Serving Food and Oral Health; Your
                                                         Essential Guide to Cooking Healthy, Tasty Food.
Moy RJD (2006) Prevalence, consequences and
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   deficiency: a child public health perspective.
   Clinical and Laboratory Haematology 28: 291–298.

Remington A, Añez E, Croker H, Wardle J and Cooke
   L (2012) Increasing food acceptance in the home
   setting: a randomized controlled trial of parent-
   administered taste exposure with incentives.
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