Page 392 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 392

Stationary media, 366–371. See also Visual media
   bulletin or display boards, 366–367
   charts and posters, 367
     guidelines for, 367f
   photographs, illustrations, and flowcharts, 370
   print handouts, 370–371

Stimulus control, 119
Subjective Global Assessment tool, 21
Summative evaluation, 317
Superior vs. equal communication, 33–34
Supportive communication, 31
Synchronous learning, 364–365
Synergy, 390–391
Synthesis element, 289


Teach-back method, 104

   vs. learning, 276, 277
   styles, 269, 270. See also 16 Habits of Mind
Techniques, behavior modification, 173–178
Technology-focused media, 374–376. See also Visual media
   audio recordings, 375
   computer-based presentations, 374–375
   social media, 376
   video recordings, web-based formats, 375–376
Television. See Visual media
Tension relieving function, 402
Termination stage, 115t, 117
Tests, 324–325
Thorndike, Edward, 169, 250
Title presentation, 338
Training programs, 88, 315, 327, 331
   for employees, 168, 172
Translator, 103
Transtheoretical model (TTM), 111–113, 207, 249. See also Stages of Change Model
   clients progress through stages of change, 112f
   different counseling strategies, 111, 113
   purpose of, 111
Tunnel vision, 198
24-Hour recall, 51, 53
2015 Dietary Guidelines, 236, 236t


Unconditioned response (UR), 169
Unconditioned stimulus (US), 169
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 256, 260, 271, 276, 282

   SuperTracker Groups, 386
United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, 93
Valuing level, 291t, 292


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