Page 388 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 388

outcomes, categories, 19
Nutrition professionals

   adults, age 20 to 64 years, 236
   counseling strategies, 227
   documentation, role in, 330
Nutrition-related problems, 13, 50, 102


Obesity, 9, 93, 125, 167, 172, 185, 186, 187, 216, 222, 224, 228, 238, 239, 308, 386. See also Weight management
Observational learning. See Modeling
Open-ended questions, 69, 145–146, 150, 151, 152, 202, 259, 305, 395, 404
Opening statement, interview, 339
Operant conditioning, 169–171

   animal study/research (Thorndike) Law of Effect, 169–170
   behavioristic approach (Skinner), 172
   responses to

     avoidance of adverse events, 170
     negative reinforcement, 170
     positive reinforcement, 170
     punishment, 170
Opinion seeking function, 402
Oral presentations, 335
   case challenge, 335
   checklists, 347
   effective, components, 337–342
     body of presentation, 340–341
     introduction, 339–340
     summary of presentation, 341–342
     title and speaker introduction, 338–339
   evaluation methods, 351
   implementation, 342–351
     audience connection, 342–343
     delivery techniques, 344–346
     environmental control, 346–348
     gestures and body language, 349–350
     professional appearance, 350–351
     use of visuals, 343–344
     voice and diction, 348–349
   preparation, 336–337
     audience analysis, 336
     content analysis, 337
     program analysis, 336–337
Organizational results evaluation, 320
Organization level, 292–293
Orienting function, 32
Overgeneralization, 198
Overweight, 155


Paraphrasing, 35–36, 147
Partnership, 142–143
Patient–provider communication, 30

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