Page 386 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 386


National Cholesterol Education Program, 53
National Dairy Council, 375
National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), 187
Need-to-know theory, 264
Negative reinforcers, 251–252
Neutral vs. empathic communication, 34
Neutral vs. leading questions, 68
Noise/interference. See Communication barriers
Nominal group process, 404
Nondirective counseling, 138–140

   assumption, 139
   client-centered approach, 140
   Rogers’ approach

     characteristics, 139
     conditions in regard to client, 139–140
     reflection, 140
Nonverbal behaviors, 38, 56, 61, 97–98
Nonverbal communication
   image management, influences, 37
   positive affects, consistent, 39–40
   professionals alertness to client’s behavior, 39
   vehicles for feedback, 38
     eye contact, 38
     facial expression, 38
     posture, 38
     touch, 38
Norm-referenced methods, 317–318
Note taking, interviews and, 59–60
Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP), 133
Numeracy, 377
Nutrition and dietetics practice, guides for
   dietetics practice framework, scope, 11
     self-evaluation, tools, 12–13. See also Standards of Professional Practice (SOPs)
   food habits/behaviors, origin, 5–7. See also Food habits
   government initiatives, 8–10
     Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 9
     Healthy People 2020, 9
   NCP, 13–19
   practice framework, scope, 11–13
   survey results, 10–11
Nutrition and Dietetic Technician, Registered (NDTR), 4, 82
Nutrition assessment, 15–16
   in NCP, purpose, 15
   nutrition-related data
     categories, 15
     physical/social/cognitive environments, factors, 15
Nutrition Care Process (NCP), 5, 13–19
   behavior modification, counseling for, 167
   chains, 20–21
     communication, 21
     with NCP, 20

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