Page 381 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 381

attentiveness, 56
     building rapport, 56
     emotional objectivity, 57–58
     freedom from interruptions, 56–57
     note taking, 59–60
     parts of interview. See Interview process
     personal contexts, 58–59
     physical surroundings, 57
     psychological privacy, 57
     purpose, 55
   goal, 49
   human resource management, scope, 48
   interviewer as good listener, 49
   nutrition interviews, 49–53
   preemployment interviews, 54–55
     behavioral analysis, 54
     purpose, 54–55
   responses, 71–76. See also Responses, interviews
Interview process, 60t
   closing, 76–77
     express appreciation, 76
     purpose of interview, review, 76
     self-evaluation post interview, 77
   exploration or body, 62–70
     directives, 69
     preemployment interview questions, significance, 62–63
     prior framework of questions from interview guide, 62
     questions as tools of trade, 65
     questions, classification, 65–68
     questions/directives for diet histories, examples, 62–63
     sequencing questions, 69–70
     “why” questions, 70
   opening, 60–62
     building rapport, 61
     introductions and overview, 60–61
     purpose of coming, discussion, 61
Intracultural variation, 85
Involving stage, 160


Job instruction training (JIT), 307, 310–312
   instructions, 310
     follow-up, 312
     performance, 312
     preparation, 310–311
     presentation, 311–312
     sequence, 312–313

Jumping to conclusions, 198


Knowledge level, 288
Knowles, Malcolm, 263, 266, 269, 315

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