Page 380 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 380


Image design, 363
Image management, 37. See also Nonverbal communication
In-basket exercises, 303t, 306
Informal groups, 387
Innovations, diffusion of, 270–271
Instructional media

   art and design principles, 361–364
     balances, types, 363
     color, 363
     concepts learned from images, 363
     copyright and permission, 364
     multiple formats, 363–364
     simplicity and unity, 361
     wording and lettering, 361–362

   asynchronous, synchronous learning for, 364–365
     touch-screen approach, 365
     web-based learning, 365

   case challenge, 359
   education materials, 379–381

     evaluation, 379–381
   numeracy and literacy, 377–378

     readability formulas, 377. See also SMOG

     benefits, 359–360
     planning use of, 360–361
     types, 365–377
Integrating multiple media formats, 376–377
Interactive media, 371–374. See also Visual media
   food models and measurements, 373–374
   pictures, packages, and menus, 373
   real objects, 372–373
   whiteboards and flip charts, 370–371
Interference. See Barriers
Internal dialogue. See Self-talk
International Confederation of Dietetic Associations (ICDA), 4–5
International Dietetics and Nutrition Terminology (eNCPT), 13
International Food Information Council Foundation, 10
International health guidelines, 9, 10t
Interpersonal communication model, 27–30, 27f
     barriers, 28–29. See also Communication barriers
     feedback, 28
     message, 28
     receiver, 27–28
     relationship-centered care, 29–30
     sender, 27
Interruptions, freedom from, 56–57
“Interview guide”, 62
Interviewing. See also Interview process; Motivational interviews (MI)
   definition of, 48–49
   effective, conditions, 55–60

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