Page 378 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 378

Formative evaluation, 316–317
Fortune-teller error, 199t
FRAMES (acronym), 154


Gatekeeping function, 402
Gestures, body language, 349–350
Goal-setting, 156

   health behavior change, 123–129
Grapevine. See Informal groups
Graphic media, 367, 374
Group development, stages, 387–389

   forming, 388
   norming, 388–389
   performing, 389
   storming, 388
Group discussion, 305
Group learning
   case challenge, 385
   characteristics, 389–393

     cohesiveness, factors increasing, 391–392
     consensus, guidelines for, 392–393
     norms, 389–390
     power, 390
     roles, 390
     status, 390
     synergy, 390–391
   decision making and problem solving, 403–404. See also Problem solving methods
   effective team, characteristics, 394–395
     group changes, promotion of, 395
     team leader, role, 394
   formal/informal, 387
   group development, stages, 387–389
   group leadership, 394
   groups and teams, defined, 386–387
   groupthink, 393
   interdisciplinary team approaches, need for, 386
   managing, 396
     diversity in, 396–397
   managing meetings, 404–405
     gatekeeper, role, 402
     group facilitation skills, 404–405
     planning the agenda, factor, 404–405
   paradox, 403
Group teaching, 277
Group therapy, 171
Groupthink, 393
Group workshop format, 351–352
Guided response level, 294, 294t, 295


The Hand model, 91

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