Page 382 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 382

Krathwohl, D., 290


Labeling and mislabeling, 198
Law of Effect (Thorndike), 169–170
Leadership, group, 394
Leading questions vs. neutral, 68
Learning domains, 286–296

   affective, 290–296
     characterization, 293
     organization, 292–293
     receiving, 292
     responding, 292
     valuing, 292
     verbs describing performance, 291t

   cognitive, 286–290
     analysis, 289
     application, 289
     comprehension, 287
     evaluation, 289
     knowledge, 288
     synthesis, 289
     verbs describing performance, 291t

   psychomotor, 293–296
     adaptation and origination, 296
     complex overt response, 296
     guided response, 294
     mechanism, 296
     perception, 295
     set, 295
     verbs describing performance, 294t

Learning groups, 297–298
Learning, implementing and evaluating

   case challenge, 302
   data collection techniques, 324–327

     interviews, 325–326
     observation, 326
     performance measures, 327
     performance tests, 326
     questionnaires, 325
     rating scales and checklists, 326–327
     self-reports, 327
     tests, 324–325
   documentation, 330–331
   domains, techniques for, 307–308
     affective domain, 308
     multiple instructional strategies, 308
     psychomotor domain, 308. See also Coaching, teaching method
   evaluation, 314–324. See also Educational evaluation
     behavioral change, 319
     evaluation plan, steps, 314
     formative/summative, 316–317

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