Page 377 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 377

and nutrition monitoring, 19
   of oral presentations/workshops, 351
   purpose of, 315–316
   results, 314–318
   summative, 317
   types, 318–319
Evaluative vs. descriptive communication, 31
Evidence Analysis Library, ADA, 19
Evocation, 143
Exercise behavior changes, 176
Experience theory, 264–265
Exploration phase, 60
Exploring stage, 160
Extinction, 252


Facebook, 25, 376, 385
Face-to-face communication, 25, 28
Facilitation conditions

   participants and facilitators, role, 401–402
     group task and social roles, 401t–402t

   skills in, 347–350
     avoiding acknowledgment of facilitator’s preferences, 400
     discouraging wisecracks, 400
     encouraging silent members, 399
     facilitator preparation, 397
     guiding and encouraging interaction, 398–399
     helping group stay on topic, 400
     overly talkative participants, control of, 399
     reinforcement, 399
     relieving social concerns, 398
     side conversation, avoidance, 400
     tolerating silence, 398

False thoughts, 198, 199t, 202
Feedback, communication, 28
Feelings, interviews and, 71
FFQ. See Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ)
Flip charts media, 371–372
Focus groups, 404
Food & Health Survey, 10
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 9
Food behaviors. See Food habits
Food frequency checklist, 53
Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), 51–52, 86, 132, 324
Food habits, 5–7

   attitudes (physiological/psychological), influence, 6
   cultural influences, 6
   food choices, influencing factors/effects, 6

     changes in, motivating variables, 7f
   healthy diet, outcomes, 9
   nutrition counseling/education, goal, 5–6
Formal groups, 387

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