Page 375 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 375

and cultural competence, 93
   evaluation and, 315
   and family counseling, 235
   nutritional literacy, promotion of, 104
   nutrition counseling skills and, 103
   stereotype and bias, sensitivity to, 95
Diet history questions, 62
Diffusion of innovations theory, 270–271
Directive counseling, 158–162
   applications, 159

     as form of discipline, 159
   employee counseling, 158–159
   guidelines for

     concluding stage, 161–162
     exploring stage, 160
     involving stage, 160
     resolving stage, 160–161
   outcomes, measure of, 162
Directive questions, 69
Discipline, 159
Discounting the positive, 198
Discussion method, 305–306
Display board, 366–367
Diversity, 40–41
   benefits of, 88
   challenges, 87–88
   cultural, 83–84
   health and nutrition education, 40
   management of, 89–90
   multi-racial country, 40
   nonverbal behaviors, 41
   patient-centered approach, 41
   workplace, 87–90
Documentation, 17, 131–132, 330–331
Dogmatic vs. provisional communication, 33
Domains of learning. See Educational planning; Learning domains
Dramatic relief, 118
Drawing media, 370


Eating behavior changes
   “ABC” framework, example, 173
   antecedents, 173–178
     behavior modification, techniques for, 173–178
     cues for eating, mediating variables, 173
     preplanning meals, goal, 174
     responses in chains, instance, 174
   behavior, 178
   consequences, 178–183
     behavioral contract for change, example, 181f
     goal setting/problem solving, key factors, 182
     process of counseling (as bread Eating behavior changes making), 182–183

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