Page 370 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 370

Caloric needs, 239t
Campinha-Bacote model, 91
Carbohydrate counting, 18, 129, 279, 284, 285, 316, 377
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), 167, 188, 236, 239, 276, 323, 386
Catharsis, 118
CBT. See Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
Characterization level, 291t, 293
Charts, stationary media, 367
Checklist, oral presentations, 347

   life span counseling of, 222–230
   preschool-aged, 223–226
   school-aged, 226–230
ChooseMyPlate, 229, 236, 256, 260, 276, 370, 371
Chronic care model, 240
Chronic diet-related diseases, 239–241
   education strategies, 240

     electronic medical record, use, 240
     self-management concept, barriers, 240
   metabolic syndrome, 239
   specialty care strategies, 240–241
     nutrition intervention recommendations, 241t
   treatment models, 239
     chronic care model, 240
Classical conditioning, 168–169
   animal study/research (Pavlov)
     conditioned response/stimulus, 169
     unconditioned response/stimulus, 169
   responses to, types, 169
Client autonomy, honoring, 143
Client-centered approach. See Nondirective counseling
Client change talk, 149–150
Closed vs. open question, 65–66, 67t
Coaching, teaching method, 308
Code of Ethics, 12, 25
Cognition(s), 195–197
   behavior modification, phases
     making changes, 203
     recognizing, 199–201
   definition, 194, 195
   perceptions, influence on behaviors, 196
   positive/negative/neutral, types, 196
   restructuring/self-assessment, 197
   self-talk, examples, 196
   stream of consciousness in, 195
Cognition-rational/linguistic learning theory, 258
Cognitive appraisal, 209
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), 194–195
   assumptions, 195
   bulimia nervosa, treatment for, 194
   fundamental proposals, 194
   problem-oriented, approach, 195

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