Page 369 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 369

AVE. See Abstinence violation effect


Balance and emphasis design, 363
Bandura, Albert, 122, 171, 196, 204, 205, 211, 254

   learning theories and, 254
   SE and, 122, 204
Barriers, 28–29
Behavioral assessment, 181–182
Behavioral change evaluation, 314
Behavioral contracts, 180–181
Behavioral interview. See Preemployment interviews
Behavioral learning theories, 250–254
   behavior changes, consequences, 250–254
   extinction, 252
   negative reinforcers, 251–252
   Pavlovian approach, 250
   positive reinforcers, 251
   punishers, 252
   shaping, 252
   Skinner’s work, focus (teacher-centered approach), 250
   timing reinforcement, 252–254
Behavior modification, counseling for. See also Cognitive behavior modification

     cardiovascular diseases, 188
     diabetes mellitus, 187–188
     human resource management, 188–189
     obesity, 167
   definition, 166
   eating behavior changes, 172–183
     “ABC” framework, example, 173
     antecedents, 173–178
     behavior, 178
     consequences, 178–183
     classical conditioning, 168–169
     modeling, 171–172
     operant conditioning, 169–171
   nutrition counseling, 167
   role of counselor, 167
   self-management, 184
   self-monitoring, 183–184
   social support, 185
   therapy, 190
   types, 168
Body mass index (BMI), 15, 19
Brainstorming, 403
Brief Calcium Assessment Tool (BCAT), 53
Bulimia nervosa, 194, 201
Bulletin boards, 366–367


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