P. 14
Page 14 May - June, 2021
Startup= What Are Best Ways to Save Money
Business Idea?
the idea of a startup. Here u r i n g t h i s
are the most important pandemic many
ones: Dpeople lost their
· What important truth jobs and some jobs may
do very few people agree
with you on?
· What valuable company
is nobody building?
· Can you create
breakthrough technology
instead of incremental
· Is now the right time to
start your particular
business? n e v e r c o m e b a c k .
· Are you starting with a Everyone wants to save
big share of a small money. There are videos
market? and advice from books to We think we need a lot to
· Do you have the right show how to do this. live sometimes but I
team? They are all great ideas, realized we don't need a
· Do you have a way to but only if you can truly lot to live, to tell the
not just create but deliver practice it. truth. It seems to be
your product? I always wondered why about a matter of mind
· Will your market people spend so much set not about some
position be defensible 10 money? Why do people ideas.
and 20 years into the have luxury cars even One of the reasons why
future? though they don't own a people can't save money
· Have you identified a house? Why do people is because people have
unique opportunity that have 100 shoes? Why do inferiority complex.
others don't see? people have so much People want to be better
stuff even though they than others so they
don't need it? Why do want to buy more
people spend lots of although they don't
money to buy things need it.
To Advertise call when they are stressed Second, is because of
055 6533307 out? stress. When someone
Continue on pg 9
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