P. 9

May - June, 2021                                                                          Page 9

                   Key Digital Transformation                                       Ways to Save Money

                                                                                 Continued from pg 14
                   Trends in Financial Services                                  has  lots  of  stress,  they
                                                                                 want  to  spend  a  lot.
        factors in the finance                                                   People  go  shopping  and
        industry transformation.                                                 use lots of money on their

        These measurements and                                                   credit card.
                                                                                 So, what is the solution?
        metrics can tell a company
                                                                                 Even  though  there  are
        whether or not it is
                                                                                 good  ideas  if  you  don't
        transforming smoothly.                                                   change  your  mind  those

                                                                                 words will mean nothing.
        Open Banking                                                             Meditation is a perfect to
        Open banking is also known                                               tool to look back your life
                                                                                 first.  Meditation  is  self-
        as “open bank data.” This
                                                                                 reflection. When you look
        refers to a practice in the
                                           institutions can use this data  back on your life you will
        finance industry that
                                           to target the right audiences  see how you lived your life
        allows third-party                                                       and  with  what  kind  of
                                           at the right time.
        providers access to the                                                  minds  set  you  had.

        consumer banking                                                         Knowing  what  mind  you
                                           Cyber and Data Privacy
        ecosystem. This means                                                    have and where you are is
                                           These days, businesses and            the first step to changing
        that these financial
                                           customers both care about             your behavior.
        institutions can collect
                                           cybersecurity and data                For  example,  through
        information and data from
                                           privacy. As attackers learn           self-reflection,  you  can
        other financial institutions.                                            find out the moment you
                                           more effective, malicious
                                                                                 are  comparing  yourself
                                           methods of hacking,
        With AI and ML, financial                                                with others about money.
                                           businesses have to keep up. In
                                                                                 You  can  find  out  for
                                           turn, they have to create             y o u r s e l f   w h o   f e l t
         Dear Entrepreneur,
                                           better-protected programs.            inferiority to others about
         We can profile your               To get a better look into             money.

         company & let your                cyber and data privacy in             Once you are able to see

         potential customers               finance transformation                yourself  clearly  you  can
                                                                                 change  your  mind  about
         know:                             technology, take a look at the        money.  You  can  stop
                                           fintech security requirements.        overspending.  You  can

                                                                                 spend  your  money  on
         Who you are...
                                           By taking advantage of the            what you really need. So,
         What you sell...
                                           industry's extensive                  you can save more money.
         What services you provide
                                           knowledge of cybersecurity
         Well .... tell the people of
                                           and data privacy, many
         Ghana anything you want           businesses see how
         them to know about your           transformative the change

         business.                         into the digital world can be.
                                           Ihor Feoktistov

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