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May - June, 2021
unit. He checks for mold, being disposed of while
mildew, dust, rodents and allowing homeowners to
other things living In the save money by not having
AC or the vents that could to replace it.
affect your Indoor air
quality. A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g
Maintenance Service
M a n y A C s e r v i c e Contract/Agreement
agreements Include tasks A i r c o n d i t i o n i n g
such as applying biocide maintenance service
Inside ducts, putting a g r e e m e n t i s a n
Mr. Collins Baffour
CEO & Chief Technical Officer
bleach or biocide In the
step that contributes to agreement or contract
drain pan and taking other
saving you additional expense. b e t w e e n a n a i r
s t e p s t h a t p r e v e n t conditioning company, like
unwanted things from
Preventing Emergency Calls C.K.B Tech Ent and an AC
growing Inside the duct
Regular maintenance can find owner, in which the
system that then continues
minor problems before they company is to undertake
supplying clean, cool air for
become major problems. all repairs and servicing
your home.
Small repairs are often part of the said AC for a
of the regular maintenance specified period of time,
The Benefit of Green
services. Paying for the AC at an agreed price.
A less common mentioned
service contract probably
benefit of regularly
saves you twice as much in In simple terms, air
scheduled maintenance conditioning maintenance
avoiding major repairs. It
service is that it is also
also reduces the risk of an service agreement is
b e n e f i c i a l t o t h e
expensive emergency AC when an air conditioner
environment. With a good
repair. Life is certainly user or owner contracts
maintenance program,
better if your unit is less all the repairs and
refrigerant leaks are
likely to fail, leaving you maintenance work of a
caught before they have a
sweltering during the hottest particular AC, to an AC
chance to leak in to the
parts of the months. service provider for a
atmosphere. Recycling specified period of time,
Freon prevents it from
Indoor Air Quality and at an agreed price.
Having an AC service contract Now AC maintenance
keeps your Indoor air quality service agreement can be
h i g h . W h e n t h e A C in 2 forms;
contractor comes out, he · Residential air
does not just change the air c o n d i t i o n e r
filters and hose down the maintenance service
Continue on pg 5