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May - June, 2021
Your air conditioning unit
050 746 1706
can be as much as 50 per
Get an AC Service
cent of your entire energy
Why should you love your AC
service contract? The main
B y u s i n g t h e s e
reasons are the benefits of
p r e v e n t a t i v e a i r
having an A/C service
conditioner maintenance
contract, which helps you same thing as saving a
tips and having your
save money, enhances couple of thousand cedis.
s y s t e m c h e c k e d
comfort, and affords
p e r i o d i c a l l y b y o u r
benefits to the environment Regular AC service also
technicians, you are not
while providing you with saves you money on your
only making sure your
better Indoor air quality. energy costs. Regular
family is comfortable
maintenance allows the
during hot seasons, but you
Convenience unit to run at peak
a r e h e l p i n g t h e
You do not need to take apart efficiency, lowering the
environment as well by
your A/C and clean It. You do amount of electricity
using less energy.
not have to climb up and required to keep your
around to change your air home or office cool. By
Call our service center
filters. You do not have to having a professional like
purchase the right kind of air us, air conditioning
054 696 2523
filters. The AC professional service contractor
with whom you have a service maintain the system, you
agreement does all this work know that the system is
for you. They do it right in a b e i n g s e r v i c e d a s
To Advertise call fraction of the time it would required by the AC
055 6533307
take you, letting you warranty.
020 8131656 concentrate on other things.
Having this assurance
E-mail: Cost Savings that proper maintenance
: The most important thing is is taking place relieves
you save money by having an you of worrying about a
Air Conditioner service warranty replacement
THE TEAM contract. Routine upkeep should anything go wrong.
Publisher: extends the life of the air- Once again, a routine
Dilton Consult
Managing Editor: conditioner, helping you get
Ato Tandoh more life out of it prior to call us on:
Graphic Designer n e e d i n g i t r e p l a c e d .
Ato Tandoh 020 8131656
Reporters/Marketing Executives: Postponing the purchase of a
Maame Ama Tandoh new ¢3,500 a/c unit by a 055 6533307
Yvonne N.L. Lamptey
Naomi Zuut couple of years is the exact
Continue on pg 4