P. 6

Page 6                                                                               May - June, 2021

             C.B.K  TECH  ENTERPRISE
                                                                                        Is the Path to


                                                                                   Worth it Considering
                                                                                So, if your AC is down and you
                                                                                     most Startups fail?
                                                                                want  it  fixed,  just  contact

                                                                                C.K.B Tech Ent and we will
                                                                                fix it for you professionally
                                                                                within 24hours.

                                                                                SOS 24/7 AC Repair

                                                                                Day or night, we're here to
                                                                                h e l p .   W e   k n o w   h o w
                                                                                uncomfortable  life  can  be

                                                                                when  your  air  conditioning
                                                                                system fails. Down in Accra
                                  Mr. Collins Baffour
                              CEO & Chief Technical Officer                     and  surrounding  areas,  we
         hiring  them.  When  you           the  one  to  advertise  your       rely  on  our  air  conditioning
         hire such companies, what          company  on  your  behalf.          everyday!  We  know  how
         they  do  is  to  carry  out       We as a company have been           important climate control is,
         some  half  hazard  fixing         able  to  build  a  very  good      so  why  would  you  trust

         for  you  and  then  smile         reputation  for  ourselves          anyone else? We provide 24
         home with your money.              over  the  years,  and  we          Hours  –  Emergency  repairs
                                            cannot  afford  to  do              Call our 24-hour hotline and

         But C.K.B Tech Ent are             anything that will give us a        we'll  respond  right  away!
         here to prove to you that          bad name.                           W e ' r e   d e d i c a t e d   t o
         n o t   a l l   A C   r e p a i r                                      providing you with a cool and
         companies are fakes. We            All our tools are standard          comfortable  home  day  or
         believe  in  quality  and          ones,  and  that's  what            n      i     g      h      t      .

         customer  satisfaction,            makes it possible for C.K.B         N e e d   E m e r g e n c y   A i r
         because when our clients           Tech Ent to keep giving out         Conditioning Service? Call us
         are satisfied and happy, it        the very best to our clients.       n          o          w           !

         propels us to do more. We          Our  technicians  are  also         054 696 2523
         do  not  pursue  profit  at        very well trained and there         050 746 1706
         the  expense  of  our              is  no  AC  repair  job  that
         client's  satisfaction,            t h e y   c a n n o t   h a n d l e

         because  a  satisfied              effectively. We do not tell           Please Call us:
         customer  they  say  is  a         you this and that is wrong
         happy customer.                    with your AC just to make             055 6533307
                                            money  off  you;  because

         The  truth  is,  when  your        that  is  exactly  what  most
         clients are satisfied with         AC  repair  companies  out            020 8131656
         your  work,  they  will  be        there do.
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