P. 11
May - June, 2021 Page 11
Why Do Startups Fail? 5 Things to Avoid to Succeed As an entrepreneur, I’ve
As an entrepreneur, I’ve
painstakingly learned the
painstakingly learned the
importance of heeding the
importance of heeding the
· You make your MVP best business advice I’ve
best business advice I’ve
shiny and glossy · You ignore your users received from many of the
received from many of the
Alright, so the desire to jump When your product hits the world’s top
world’s top
from an idea right to the fully- market, it's not the time to relax. entrepreneurs. The
entrepreneurs. The
fledged product is really strong. Your users will be generating lots of bottom line: It takes a lot
bottom line: It takes a lot
You might have heard of an MVP feedback about your app, you just to start a business and
to start a business and
approach, but you decide that have to keep your ears open! grow it to profitability.
grow it to profitability.
Funny enough, the most
Feedback reflects the needs of Funny enough, the most
impactful lessons have
your customers, and it's really a impactful lessons have
come from my biggest
good idea to embrace some ideas. come from my biggest
failures though.
Your customers will appreciate failures though.
that for sure.
“ Your time is limited, so
“ Your time is limited, so
It's not a secret that 9 out of 10 don’t waste it living
don’t waste it living
MVP means poor quality and startups fail. The reasons might be someone else’s life. Don’t
someone else’s life. Don’t
be trapped by dogma –
horrible UI. Let me stop you deadly. But when you know what be trapped by dogma –
again here unless you want to mistakes you can avoid, chances which is living with the
which is living with the
results of other people’s
put all your money down the are you'll make it to be that 1 results of other people’s
thinking. Don’t let the
drain. winning startup! thinking. Don’t let the
Alyona Shokalo
noise of other’s opinions
noise of other’s opinions
Remember that a startup goal is drown out your own inner
drown out your own inner
to test hypotheses? An MVP voice. And most
voice. And most
approach perfectly fits this idea. I Do you need a important, have the
important, have the
feel that you want to build all the courage to follow your
courage to follow your
features, but it's more heart and intuition. They
heart and intuition. They
reasonable to define those ones Business Plan? somehow already know
somehow already know
what you truly want to
that can help you test your what you truly want to
assumptions, core features. If Call become. Everything else is
become. Everything else is
you see a feature that will just secondary.”
slightly improve user experience 020 8131656 – Steve Jobs, Co-founder,
– Steve Jobs, Co-founder,
but doesn't play a key role in your CEO, Chairman Apple
CEO, Chairman Apple
product, get rid of it for now. Inc.
“Every time you state
“Every time you state
what you want or believe,
Please Call us: what you want or believe,
you’re the first to hear it.
you’re the first to hear it.
It’s a message to both
It’s a message to both
055 6533307 you and others about
you and others about
what you think is
what you think is
possible. Don’t put a
possible. Don’t put a
020 8131656 – Oprah Winfrey, media
ceiling on yourself.”
ceiling on yourself.”
– Oprah Winfrey, media