P. 2

Page 2                                                                        May - June, 2021

              C.B.K  TECH  ENTERPRISE

                                           complete such a job within 24         steps  is  to  change  your
                                           hours.                                filters on a regular basis,

                                                                                 usually  every  other
                                           This  will  not  in  any  way         month or so. Cleaning the
                                           reduce  the  quality  of  their       filters reduces the work
                                           service,  because  it  is  not        load  of  the  unit  and  it
                                           about  how  long  it  took  to        also  makes  collecting
          So,  whatever  your  need
                                           finish  a  job,  but  it  is  the     dust and allergens more
          is, the company has all it
                                           quality  of  the  service  that       efficient.
          takes  to  meet  your
                                           matters.  So,  what  are  you
                                           still  waiting  for,  call  them      The next thing to do for
          They operate six days a
                                           today  and  get  the  most            your  air  conditioner
          w e e k   a n d   s o m e
                                           professional  and  affordable         maintenance  is  check
          emergencies;  so,  it
                                           service ever.                         your coils and make sure
          doesn't  matter  what
                                                                                 t h e y   h a v e   n o t
          time it is, because their
                                           Maintaining  Your  Air  accumulated  any  grime
          team  is  always  available
                                           Conditioner                           or  dirt,  which  reduces
          to service your needs. All
                                           The  air-conditioner  is  an          their  ability  to  absorb
          you have to do is to pick
                                           integral part of any home or          heat.    You  can  increase
          up  your  phone  and  give
                                           commercial environment.  As           y o u r   s y s t e m ' s
          them  a  call.  They  will
                                           such, you should have regular         proficiency by around 20
          come as soon as possible
                                           a i r   c o n d i t i o n e r                   this  task
                                                                                 per  cent  with
          t o   s o l v e   y o u r   A i r
                                           maintenance.    Although  alone.    Another  simple
          Conditioner needs.
                                           preventative air conditioner          task is to check the coil
                                           maintenance  is  not  too  fins.    These  are  the
          The Team
                                           complicated it is a necessity.        aluminum fins located on
          Their team is made up of
                                           One of the first and easiest          the  evaporator  and
          strictly  professionals
                                                                                 condenser  coils.    Make
          who know their onus. So
                                                                                 sure  they  are  not  bent
          have no fear when hiring
                                                                                 which  would  reduce  air
          them,  because  quality
          service  is  what  you  will
          get. They won't rest till
                                                                                 Lastly,  have  your  AC
          you  are  satisfied  with
                                                                                 technician  check  your
          their  services.  They  do
                                                                                 system out at least every
          not also take forever to
                                                                                 six months.   This check
          finish a job or any given
                                                                                 in  between  seasons  will
          task like most people do.
                                                                                 guarantee  optimum
          Once you give them a job
                                                                                 performance  with  no
          to  do  for  you,  they  will
                                                                                 interruption of service.
          e n s u r e   t h a t   t h e y
                                                                                                  Continue on page 3
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