P. 5
May - June, 2021 Page 5
an air condition company of AC repair companies, a
(C.K.B Tech Ent). Like the l o t o f f a u l t y a i r
residential maintenance conditioners would have
contract, some companies been lying waste in almost
offer a life contract to their every street corner. But
clients, while others offer you must also be very
fixed contracts. But at the careful when hiring an air
end of the day, it all boils
· C o m m e r c i a l a i r conditioning company to
down to choice and personal
conditioner maintenance help you fix your faulty
preference, in deciding
service agreement unit.
which maintenance service
contract to opt for.
R e s i d e n t i a l A i r The reason is because
Conditioning Maintenance there are a lot of quacks
So, if you are a home or
Service Agreement o u t t h e r e p a r a d i n g
commercial AC owner, it is
This is an agreement t h e m s e l v e s a s
important that you sign up a
between a residential AC professionals. Some of
m a i n t e n a n c e s e r v i c e
owner and an AC service these AC repair companies
contract with a professional
provider (C.K.B Tech Ent). doesn't even know Jack
AC service provider to
The air condition company about AC repairs, but are
handle all your AC needs for a
in question might have just in business to lure
specified period of time.
different maintenance unsuspecting clients into
This agreement will be of
s e r v i c e a g r e e m e n t
great benefit to you, because
p a c k a g e s . S o m e a i r
you will no longer have to
condition companies offer
worry about your air
their clients a life time
conditioner's needs. Also,
contract or maintenance
the air conditioning company
service agreement, while
will always be there for you
o t h e r s o f f e r f i x e d
whenever you need their
contracts or maintenance
service agreement. So, it is
left for the AC owner to
Air Condition Repair
decide which type of
You cannot truly enjoy your
contract to opt for.
air conditioner without the
r e p a i r s e r v i c e s o f a
C o m m e r c i a l A i r
professional air conditioning
Conditioning Maintenance
company, because air We are on
Service Agreement
conditioners do develop
This is an agreement or FACEBOOK &
faults from time to time, and
c o n t r a c t b e t w e e n a
without the repair services LINKEDLN
commercial AC owner and
Continue on pg 6
Continue on pg 6