P. 31

ROCKNATION ISSUE 27                                                                                                               PAGE 31

                VOODOO MOONSHINE


     Hello Rob of Queenmaker and welcome to Rocknation.
     Who is writing and recording the music and vocals in Queenmaker?
     Hello and thanks! I wanted to write a song that was more in the AOR genre and as you
     know I ain’t much of an AOR singer so I asked Jennie Väänänen if she would like to put
     her voice on my new song Hold on to love, that ended up as the first digital
     QUEENMAKER single. She has the voice I was looking for, and also got the same
     musical background as I come from with the bands from the Hair metal era of the 80’s,
     so she nailed the song and I knew that I could not stop after just one song. So
     I recorded one more song ”Under the kiss” and that one was released as digital and
     on 7” Pink and Green Vinyl with ”Hold on to love” on the b-side on the Norwegian label
     Edged Circle Production.I write the songs and record most of the music and also use
     studio musicians. Jennie do all the lead vocals and I sing some backup and I might sing
     on some track on the full album in the future. But I really like to have Jennies voice in the front, to me that makes it sound QUEENMAKER.

     If you had to tell someone what your music sounded like, what bands would you mention?
     Those two songs are compared with bands like Vixen, Heart, Def Leppard and Robin Beck. Some say that there are some Lita Ford late 80’s
     era in it, and even been compared with Roxette. I get my inspiration from so many bands from the 80’s aor and hair metal.

     I see you are getting international press and radio, please tell us about that.
     I was pretty surprised at the respond we got so fast after the first single was released in Feb 2020 and we got many radio stations, online
     magazines, blogs and more to write about us. The singles have been streamed really good considering this is a new ”band” and only got two
     songs. The fist Vinyl also sold out pretty fast. I think QUEENMAKER is filling some kind of gap in between Glam/Sleaze and the more Aor
     oriented rock. So I think that’s why people wanna know more about us and what the future will hold for QUEENMAKER.

     What songs are available in digital format?
     For now it’s Hold on to Love and Under the Kiss. We hope to have a new single out before Christmas.

     Will Queenmaker play any live Sweden concerts in 2021?
     As we all know it’s a crazy time all over the world right now during the Covid-19 pandemic so for now we focus on writing and recording new
     music for the debut album.  I do not think we will do any shows before the album is out anyway, but we have to wait and see what the future
     holds after all this goes down to normal for live shows.

     How has the pandemic affected your band in Sweden?
     As for QUEENMAKER not so much at this point really, but when the album is out and if we gonna bring this QUEEN on tour it will. There are
     no festivals, no larger arenas or not even clubs booking bands so it’s really tuff for both bands, and promoter’s in those times. But you got to
     do what you can, and what we can do now is writing new music and I think that in the next year or two there will be a lot of new albums out
     and hopefully good ones to.

                                             Thank you for taking time for this interview
                                             and any last words to the fans?
                                             Thank you Tom and thanks ROCKNATION for
                                              your support in new and old music! I hope those
                                              of you who know us already will keep
                                              supporting our music, and to those of you who
                                              have not heard us yet, check us out on the
                                              digital platforms out there or ask for our single in
                                              your local vinyl store. To us your support on
                                              Spotify and on social media is everything in
                                              those crazy times. Thanks. QUEENMAKER
                                               LOVES YOU HAIR METAL MANIACS!
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