P. 27

ROCKNATION ISSUE 27                                                                                                             PAGE 27

       Who did the music and lyric writing for this release?
       Brian Hamilton: Greg is the backbone writer of the band. Pat writes almost all the lyrics. Pat and Greg collaborate on the
       melodies and structures of the songs. They work really well together as they are influenced from a lot of the same bands and
       it reflects on our music in a great way.
       Patrick Gagliardi: Greg will always come up with the Riff and the melody. Greg usually has a working song title for each song
       as well. Sometimes I use the title and sometimes I change it as in Breathe which was originally named “Ring of steel”.

       The band has picked the perfect song for a killer video “Dirty Vegas” who produced that?
       Patrick Gagliardi: We really wanted our first video to show a little bit of what the band would be like live. We look forward to
       getting in front of a crowd once this COVID shit is over! We really strive to be a high energy act and can’t wait to rock the shit
       out of an audience.
       Brian Hamilton: Dirty Vegas was shot by Jeremy Griffiths, edited by Brian Sword and was lit by our L.D. James Hynes. We
       were under some pressure to have that video done on a flip of a dime and all the guys really pulled it off well with such a fast

       With Greg Fraser being in some iconic Canadian bands such as Helix and Brighton Rock has that opened some
       doors a lot easier for the band?
       Brian Hamilton: Having Greg in the band with his accolades absolutely has opened some avenues that might have taken way
       longer to achieve. Nonetheless we all have been at this game for quite some time and I feel we all bring some
       things/connections to the table that has helped us along the way.

       Storm Force received many praised CD reviews all over the world. How did that feel getting the credit you deserve?
       Brian Hamilton: We all are humbled by all the great reviews we have received on our album. Our Label (Escape Music) has
       been fantastic with getting all the press together. You can bet your bottom dollar with our recent release in Japan and our
       new video for “Breathe” that there will be some new things to talk about in the weeks to come.

       Who produced the CD artwork?
       Brian Hamilton: The artwork was a collaboration (Escape Music) and us but it was the labels art department that really tied it
       all up and they did a great job.

       The band released the CD in Europe on Escape Music. How does it help having a label in Europe in reaching new
       Brian Hamilton: Well I think that first and foremost, Europe has not let this style of music go to the wayside and has kept it
       very much relevant. Having our label release our album where fans are looking for new music that stays true to what they
       love is a great thing. We have been blessed with all the support from the new fans that we have got. The support in Europe
       has opened some eyes on this side of the pond for us.

       How has the Pandemic affected your band in Canada?
       Brian Hamilton: This Pandemic has really put a strangle hold on us as well as all other forms of entertainment. It’s hard to
       promote something you can’t get out and support. We have been trying to keep things going. Like I said earlier, we have a
       new video on the way for Breathe and at least that’s a great way to promote the band.
       Patrick Gagliardi: We really wanted to get out a do some shows. We had a show booked and sold out last April and it had to
       be postponed. There are a lot of bands doing live streams and we’ve done a couple with either Greg and I, or by myself, but
       we would much rather have the first time the whole band is seen to be live. You can’t get that live audience anywhere else
       and we feed on that. Here’s hoping for next year!

       If you had to tell someone what your music sounded like, what bands would you mention?
       Patrick Gagliardi: I think that no matter who you are, you end up being a collection of your influences. While I don’t believe we
       sound entirely like anyone, I hear traces of the bands that inspire us.
       Brian Hamilton:  That’s a hard one to answer as I think people have their own take on music. Me
       making a comparison to what I think we sound like could be something completely
       different to someone else.

       Thank you for taking time for this interview and any last words to
       the fans?
       Brian Hamilton: I am glad to have been given this time and I hope I have
       answered some of your questions. To our fans, a good old Canadian
       saying, keep your head up and stick on ice. Please stay safe and keep on
       Patrick Gagliardi:To all our fans, I would say thank you for listening! Every
       time we get a message from a fan, it validates what we do. It’s obvious to
       say, but without them, there is no us. Now is the time for our shameless
       plug! Please visit us, FaceBook, Instagram, and YouTube.
       Spread the word!


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