P. 25

ROCKNATION ISSUE 27                                                                                                               PAGE 25

             Your CD is available through WOWHD overseas in
             11 countries with FREE SHIPPING. How
             excited are you to see your music reaching the
             fans across the globe?
             Yes, this is actually the most exciting thing! Knowing
             that people at the opposite side of the planet hold a
             copy of your album in hands and enjoy what you
             created is the most satisfying thing for a musician!
             It is something we all had been dreaming of as kids
             and a great opportunity for music lovers and collectors.

             How long has the band been together?
             Actually quite a long time.. the first Beverly Killz was
             born in 2007 and through harsh times and lineup
             changes we are still alive and kicking! Not bad.

             If you had to tell someone what your music sounded like, what bands would you mention?
             Tough question.. think of Skid Row + Warrant + Hardcore Superstar?

             What national bands have you played with?
             We have played with a lot of Italian bands, not sure you know them though. Probably the most
             notable would be Pino Scotto, Bad Bones and Doberman. We also played with international artists
             such as Eric Martin, Crazy Lixx, Adam Bomb, Sister, even Nile(!)

             How has the pandemic affected your band in Italy?
             Well yes.. especially because it broke out when were in the process of finalizing the new album.
             As you know we had quite a strict lockdown (and we are starting a new one as we speak)..we
             couldn’t meet or play together, not to mention play live in clubs or festivals. Now the album is out
             but there is no way we can support it with some concert.. we really hope the situation gets better

             Thank you for taking
             time for this
             interview and any
             last words to the
             Thanks for taking
             interest in our music,
             don’t forget to get in
             touch and give us
             feedback about it!
             In return we might
             reveal you the recipe to
             our signature cocktail,
             the “Iguana Mulata”!

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