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records I did with Daniel and his kind of music here for living. It’s the thing we keep in mind all over special guest on my first solo album
studio, where we have produced a shame but we live on the edge the years. Nascer) we formed a band named
many other albums in the past. here! The mainstream it’s a crap Rocknation: Please name bands or Witness, a more melodic and some-
Due his very tight schedule with but in other hand, we have tons artist that influenced you. times even more power than other
his band, I was forced to finish the of talented musicians that plays Joey: Basically all these great ones works that I have done. I’m produc-
other half of my own studio. The everything from Jazz to Rock and from the 70’s and 80’s...Journey, ing a new album for Witness band
drums was recorded in another roll. Seems freak! But we don’t Whitesnake, Bon Jovi, Ozzy, Black after 20 years. I’m thinking to release
place by Geraldo Abdo in his own have a great music scene here Sabbath, Dio, Scorpions, Queen, this album at the end of 2012, who
studio. All the backings, keyboards ( and I’m not only talking about Keel, WASP, Van Halen...and oth- knows, maybe another partnership
and basses was recorded by me rock and roll itself!) just because ers in pop scene too like: Chicago, with Perris Records? It would be
and Daniel Lamas. It’s a long way the mainstream agents and Air Supply, Dino Vanelly, Boston, great! Arena was the very first time
when we have other productions promoters that rules this music Kansas, Bryan Adams, Laura Brani- I met Daniel Lamas and we started
working together and sometimes market over here, doesn’t care gan, Melissa Manchester, Duran producing for this band and we
we have to wait for the right time to about good music. It’s a matter of Duran, Simple Minds, Mister Mister became friends. Since this times we
back to the main job. So the album money and to sell shit music! Just also something of 80’s Euro dance have produced many other works to-
took its 2 years to get finished. an example: We have so many like: Gazebo and P. Lion...I’m very gether and wrote a couple of songs.
But I am really loved the results. great bands here like: Sepultura, eclectic into good music, I guess. He’s a great musician and friend.
It was great when I heard from Angra, Shaman, Dr. Sin, touring My first vinyl was “Creatures Of The Rocknation: You were invited to
Tom Mathers about to release the their worldwide tours all the time! Night” from Kiss and right after that perform as singer in the song “Under
album early 2012. So seems that But if I ask you what do you know I got my copy of “Kill ‘em All” from a Your Spell” in the brand new project
this chapter is going to be finish about this country, you probably friend of mine that lived on NY in the of Frédéric Slama “AOR – Color os
and I am very happy to work in will say to me: “On, it’s the land of 80’s. I had no doubt about what the LA”. The project was produced by
partner with Perris Records for this samba, Bossanova and soccer!!” future would bring to me since that I Frédéric Slama and Tommy
release. I really know about the It’s a shit, man! ha ha...We have listened these incredible albums! Denander and feats great names of
experience of Tom and Perris much more to offer! That’s why it Rocknation: What fond memories AOR worldwide like: Philip
Records with this kind of music sounds weird when someone else do you have from your earlier AOR Bardowell, David Foster, Steve
and I am pleased with this deal. from Europe or USA hears about bands “Karma” and “Arena” you Lukather, Jerry Hludzik (From
This is a real hard rock arena a Brazilian band doing good rock started in? Dakota), Bruno Levesque, Michael
album and I wanted to make it and roll music. It’s something like Joey: The best years of my life into Landau, among many others.
sounding rough but clear some- “What? Brazil and rock and roll, in a band so far. No doubt about. Kar- Please tell us about that.
times. I honestly wanted to some- the same phrase?” ha ha. ma was my first professional band Joey: Frédéric Slama (the king of
thing that I could do it alive, just in Rocknation: You have also done and we have lots of good memories. AOR and the man behind this band
case of a possible tour. acting in your earlier years what After we stop with the works, me name) contacted me via Facebook
Rocknation: You have many special was that like? and my bass man, Markcell (a really after to listen to my album and
guest including Tommy Denander Joey: Oh boy...I really love this great friend and bro who played as a (continued on page 14)
who’s credits include Alice Cooper, acting stuff...I never was deeper
David Coverdale, Paul Stanley to as I wanted because the music
name a few, please tell us about always came first in my life. But
them. I am planing to go back for the
Joey: Yes. I’ve been blessed with class room. I would love to take
this great musicians on my works back these early years of act-
since my last record “Written On ing. I had only a few small parts
The Horizon”, released in 2010. in small productions but it was
Fredrik Bergh played on that enough to make me wants more.
album and he’s a very nice guy Who knows I can set a time for
and great songwriter/Keyboardist this in 2013? We have great ac-
who wrote tons of great songs in tors and schools here and this is
Street Talk band and Bloodbound. definitely something that I would
So I asked him about to play in love to recover in my life.
this new record and he said yes. Rocknation: Your musical ability’s
Also we wrote together a great started at childhood encouraged
song named “Heaven To Earth”. by your mother, an opera singer.
Tommy Denander co-produced with How did that influence you?
Frédéric Slama a song penned by Joey: My mother is/was my great-
Frédéric and Sarah Fontaine, from est inspiration ever! She used to
“Chaising Violets”, the song “You be a great singer and songwriter.
won’t Gonna Hurt Me Anymore” A gospel singer and also opera
and played all the instruments in singer. I learned my first steps
this song. My contact with him into music listening to her music
happened via Frédéric Slama who and helping her with the Choir
works with him in the AOR projects rehearsals and I have no doubt
for one decade at least. Tommy is that a little piece of her life, lives
one of the finest producers and on me everyday, making me go
guitarists of all times. It’s a plea- ahead and following my dreams.
sure have him on my new record. It was a tough time when she
Rocknation: You live in Rio de passed away 16 years ago, I got
Janeiro, Brazil the cultural capital to thinking about quitting music.
of Brazil. What is the music scene But I know she would not want
like there? that for me. So I sought strength
Joey: Oh, man! It’s a tough and faith in the music that she
question. It’s really not good. Rio always saw in me to carry on. I
de Janeiro is miles away far from wrote a song for her in this new
Rock and roll, unfortunately. But release named “Sailor On the
I have faith in the good music Moon” and basically is about my
and the good musicians we have last memories after her funeral.
here...Because I believe that Rock The name comes from the mem-
and roll became a universal lan- ory I have of the cover artwork of
guage and it has no borders! But an old book story that she used to
definitely, melodic rock and hard read for me at the bed hour, where
rock is not the “cup of tea” of the a little boy was sailing his boat on
Brazilian music culture, not at all. the high seas with a moon in the
It’s almost impossible to do this background image. It’s strange