Page 18 - ISSUE 17
P. 18
Riding Bikes-Life in
the city and all the
good things in life. In
other words, live your
life the way you want!
Politically incorrect?
Absolutely! Primitive?
You bet! It is what
I call “hairy gorilla
music” and rock and
roll is supposed to
be primitive-dirty and
tongue in cheek. If
you wanna save the
world by an R.E.M
records and get the
hell out of my face.
Rocknation: Your
CD was mixed and
mastered at Jail-
house Studios with
producer Tommy
Hansen (Helloween,
Pretty Maids, TNT).
What was that like
working with
Dennis: Tommy
Hansen is great and
as you say a legend.I
have known him for
ten years and it is an
honour to work with
the man. He is dead
honest and will make
you go home re-
record things that are
not good enough. He
sang background
vocals played the
hammond keyboards
on the album and
he took it to another
level.The mix took 10
days and in my opin-
ion the best sounding
hard rock album in
years. Just listen to it
and you see what I
Rocknation: My
favorite track is the
bonus track “Ladies
Of The Eighties”,
please tell us about
the lyrics and inspi-
ration of that song.
Dennis: “Ladies of
DENNIS DEVELIN what I’m all about and
the Eighties” It is
sometimes I think I
(But just sometimes)
Interview by Tom Mathers never gonna top it!
It is probably my sig-
nature song, people
Rocknation: Hello Dennis and in the summer of 2011 by my his style of playing is real just love that song as
welcome to Rocknation. You friend and partner In crime Jo- “Ballsy” and brings a toughness much as I do too. It is a real
just released your album “Tip nas Roxx. It was done at Sound to the whole thing. So between party song and was written
Of The Tongue” on Perris Box studio Copenhagen and I all the beers I think we made by me and my drinking buddy
Records. Please tell us about must say he did an awesome af great album. I wrote 8 of the Tommy Wortmann in 2001.
the recording and writing job! Some additional recordings songs by myself this time so the Rocknation: You live in
process for this release. where done by Tommy Hansen fans would get the pure Dennis Denmark. What is the music
Dennis: “Tip Of The Tongue” at Jailhouse studio. Roxx also Develin experience and what my scene like there?
was recorded and produced played all the guitars because music is all about... Girls-fights- Dennis: My first real band was