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PAGE 14                                                                                                         ROCKNATION ISSUE 17

    he was very gentle and his words     for the music I
    about me and my work and we          do. My plan is
    became good friends! So he asked     simple: I wanna
    me if I would like to sing on his new   rock! ha ha (by
    AOR project named “Colors Of LA”.    the way...I love
    Of course I said yes. He’s a very tal-  twisted sister, I
    ented musician and songwriter and    forgot to men-
    it’s an honor to be among such a     tion the guys!)
    great line up like: Tommy Denander,   But my next
    Steve Lukather, Philip Bardoell,     focus will be the
    David Foster, Frédéric Slama and     Witness band
    so many talented musician doing      that I am very
    a great job on this AOR album that   excited to
    seems like a dream to me. The very   produce.
    first time I heard the song that I’m   Rocknation:
    singing in this AOR record, “Un-     Thank you for
    der Your Spell”, I really felt that we   taking time for
    have a hit song here! So I did it with   this interview
    heart and soul really believing in the  and last words
    power of this song.                  to the fans?
    Rocknation: What plans do you        Joey: I thank
    have for 2012?                       you and I re-
    Joey: Well, I have tons of projects   ally appreciate.
    running together at my studio.       I hope that ev-
    New songs written by me for other    eryone can feel
    projects. I’m also doing a participa-  what I wanted to
    tion on the debut album “Outside     express through
    Heaven” from the sisters Sarah and   this new album
    Melissa Fontaine with a huge world   and I dedicate it
    wide all star rockers line up. Also I   for all the rock
    am running with the production for   and roll fans all
    the Witness band, my old band that   over the world.
    is coming back after 20 years with   Without your
    a powerful melodic rock album. I     support and
    have lots of other projects knocking   passion, this
    on my door but I need to set a time   mission would
    for them...sometimes I just can’t    be very tough
    sleep more than 3 hour per’s   to keep it alive.
    crazy...ha ha. But I love what I do.   Keep on
    I’m blessing for being living only   rocking!

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