Page 17 - ISSUE 17
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ROCKNATION ISSUE 17                                                                                                             PAGE 17

  March. It is the biggest music      Shannon: Fuel, Shinedown,          children. How
  event. It really used to showcase  Vallejo, Pushmonkey, 7Mary3         does your
  the Austin music scene, but         Rocknation: Drought has also  band promote
  it’s gone global…artists come       worked with BoDog Produc-          and help that
  in from all around the world to     tions in conjunction with Fuse  program?
  get exposed here, on any given  TV, what was that like?                Mike: Shannon
  night you can see every genre       Shannon: That was a crazy          is the one that
  of music, so it quite diverse.      year…BoDog held a battle of        got us involved
  Rocknation: Your band has           the bands across the country       in that. What’s
  toured regionally and has           and brought in some music          really cool is
  supported various national          heavy weights to judge each        they showcase
  acts please name them.              show. We made it to the very       the kids in a
                                              end…it was televised…      concert, and I
                                                we got to play a huge  absolutely love
                                                venue at the Verizon     having them
                                                Center in Houston.       open up for us.
                                                The show ended up        It is amazing
                                                being like Survivor of   how good they
                                                the bands…they had       are.
                                                to win these tasks to    Rocknation:
                                                get immunity, and the    Please name
                                                show tried to play on    bands or artist
                                                the inner turmoil of     that influenced
                                                the bands. I’m almost  you.
                                                glad we didn’t make      Mike: Wow,                          album. We’ve already started
                                                it that far, but there is   that’s a good one. I have always recording some new material.
                                                no such thing as bad     loved Jim Croce. He and Layne  Rocknation: Thank you for
                                                publicity.               Staley of Alice in Chains are       taking time for this interview
                                                Rocknation: Your         the two musicians I would bring  and last words to the fans?
                                                band has also been       back from the dead.                 Shannon: Thanks to all that
                                                active in the            Rocknation: What plans do           have supported us over the
                                                community through        you have for 2012?                  years. Check out the new re-
                                                the “School House        Taz: A lot…touring, supporting      lease, Drought “UnTapped”, at
                                                Rock” program            the album. We are talking about Also,
                                                promoting music          a tour through Europe, not to       join us on Facebook and Twitter
                                                education for            mention recording a follow-up       and leave us a comment!!
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