Page 16 - ISSUE 17
P. 16

PAGE 16                                                                                                        ROCKNATION ISSUE 17

                                                                                                              Mike: The last song we re-
                                                                                                              corded, Wish You Everything,
                                                                                                              was the only one written in the
                                                                                                              studio. I had a progression and
                                                                                                              melody that we recorded, but it
                                                                                                              just didn’t work. Shannon and
                                                                                                              Taz got a hold of it and flipped
                                                                                                              it upside down… we fastened
                                                                                                              in the melodies and lyrics and
                                                                                                              it turned out to be one of the
                                                                                                              strongest songs on the album
                                                                                                              Rocknation: Your CD was
                                                                                                              mastered by Anthony Focx
                                                                                                              the producer, mixer,
                                                                                                              engineer of Aerosmith,
                                                                                                              Buck Cherry, Ace Frehley to
                                                                                                              name a few. What did
                                                                                                              Anthony bring to the table
                                                                                                              for your CD.
                                                                                                              Taz: After you produce and
                                                                                                              mix a project you always want
                                                                                                              someone that can take the di-
                                                                                                              rection of the album and give it
                                                                                                              that last final touch, and Antho-
                                                                                                              ny has always been “that guy”
                                                                                                              for me. He always makes the
                                                                                                              album the very best possible
                                                                                                              and the songs really popped
                                                                                                              after he mastered them
                                                                                                              Rocknation: You signed a
                                                                                                              deal with TSM promotions in
                                                                                                              the UK to handle your press.
                                                                                                              What has the response been
                                                                                                              so far?
                                                                                                              Mike: It’s been great. The ra-
                                                                                                              dio rotation there has been on
                                                                                                              the up and so have the album
                                                                                                              downloads. Funny story…My
                                                                                                              cousin had a friend on his deer
                                                                                                              lease that happened to see
                                                                                                              the cd in his truck and asked
                                                                                                              where the hell he got it…that
                                                                                                              he didn’t know where to buy
                                                                                                              the cd. Obviously my cousin
                                                                                                              was a little shocked he knew
                                                                                                              about the band and asked him
                                                                                                              where he heard of Drought. It
                                                                                                              turns out that he was working
                                                                                                              on an oil rig in the UK where
                                                                                                              we were being played on the
                                    Interview by Tom Mathers                                                  radio…small world.
                                                                                                              Rocknation: You live in
                                                                                                              Austin, Texas the claimed
                                          Rocknation:  Hello Mike,        nights of recording. We heard it,   music capital of the world.
                                          Shannon, Mike and Taz           and in its most basic form, it was   What is the music scene like
                                          of Drought and welcome          exactly what we were looking        there?
                                          to Rocknation. You just         for. Everything else just fell into   Taz: SxSW is coming up in
                                          released your album             place.
                                          “Untapped” on iTunes,           Shannon: Well,
                                 and various  we definitely took
                                          digital sites worldwide.        our time with the
                                          Please tell us about the        album; we made
                                          recording and writing           sure every detail
                                          process for this release.       was worked out.
                                          Mike: Shannon and I came  I think that if you
                                          to Taz after hearing the        would have let
                                          production quality the of       us, we would still
                                          Spinning Chain album. The  be tweeking. Taz
                                          first song we recorded was      really became an
                                          Born of Stone, which at the  integral part of
                                          time, was the most recently  the band, playing
                                          written. I don’t know how I     guitars on many
                                          could explain the excitement  songs and push-
                                          we had after the first few      ing us in the right
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