Page 36 - TNPGA 2020 Directory
P. 36
VISION - describes what you would like your organization to be in the future. A vision is not a statement of who
we are or what we do, but what we would like to become. The vision begins to define the direction of the orga-
To enhance our leadership among the membership and other constituent groups, by improving and communicating
our value to existing and potential members and other constituent groups.
PURPOSE - defines the overall mission and scope of responsibility of an organization. It explains the reason the
organization exists.
• To effectively communicate and promote safety, education, awareness, competence and professionalism in
the work place and public.
• To promote and develop the propane gas industry in the State of Tennessee.
• To increase the effectiveness of propane gas service in the State of Tennessee.
• To enhance the efficiency of production, distribution, utilization and marketing in the propane gas industry.
• To promote closer relations and cooperation at all levels of the propane gas industry.
• To cooperate with other organizations in efforts toward promoting safety awareness, prevention, economic
advancement, conservation, standardization and other activities.
• To proactively influence governmental entities, legislative bodies and any regulatory entity relating to the
propane industry.
VALUES - commonly held beliefs to which an organization commits itself. Ultimately and ideally, an organiza-
tion’s values should guide the behavior of every individual within the organization.
• To conduct our business in a safe, ethical, legal, customer oriented and profitable manner.
CONSTITUENT GROUPS - any group that can have a positive or adverse impact on your business.
• Customers
• Employees
• State and Local Regulatory Agencies
• Tennessee Legislature
• National Propane Gas Association
• National PERC Council
• Tennessee PERC
• Media
• Competition
• Active Members
• Non-members
• Inactive Members
• Fire and Emergency Services
• Tennessee Retail Association
• Manufactured Housing Association
• HVAC Association
• Home Builders Association
• United States Congress