Page 194 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 194

Identifying the Target Needs of Non-Native Subject Teachers

                   b.   About the Language Course:
                        1.   How long has this course been running?
                        2.   What is your role in the program?
                        3.   How was English language related part of the program shaped? Who are the other decision
                            makers in the design of the language program? How do you plan the program?
                        4.   Have you ever revised the program? If yes, how many times? How did you decide on the
                            revisions? What parts were revised?
                        5.   Do you have any connections with the sector which look for candidates who can teach in
                        6.   What do you think about the needs of the sector which employs subject teachers who can
                            teach in English? What is expected from these subject teachers?
                        7.   What are the needs of the teachers who attend this course?
                        8.   Do you run any needs analysis to find out their needs? If yes, what do you do?
                        9.   Do you think that education provided in the course can meet the needs of both the sector and
                            the course attendees?
                               ▪  If yes, to what extend?
                               ▪  How do you understand this? In other words, do you have an evaluation process? (For
                                 example; do you have any inspectors or do you collect feedback from the schools where
                                 your graduates work? Or do you get any feedback from the subject teachers about their
                        10.   What are the strengths of the program?
                        11.   What are the weaknesses of the program?
                        12.   Are there any points you would like to add?

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