Page 189 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
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Identifying the Target Needs of Non-Native Subject Teachers

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                  Hutchinson and Waters: Two key people on ESP who advocate a learner centered approach to ESP.
               They inspired a lot of researchers and practitioners by coining the term ‘target needs’ and categorized
               them as ‘necessities’, ‘lacks’, and ‘wants’.
                  Needs Analysis: As Brown (1995) explains, needs analysis refers to “the systematic collection and
               analysis of all subjective and objective information necessary to define and validate defensible curricu-
               lum purposes that satisfy the language learning requirements of students within the context of particular
               institutions that influence the learning and teaching situation”.
                  Non-Native: If someone is not born or raised in a particular country he/she is considered to be non-
               native. As for non-native speaker of English, it refers to a person who was not born in an English spoken
               country or family, and learned it later.
                  Productive Language Skills: They refer to skills that require production of target language (mainly
               speaking and writing).
                  Receptive Language Skills: They refer to skills that require comprehension of target language
               (mainly listening and reading).
                  Stakeholders: This term refers to person(s) with an interest or concern in something, especially a
               business. In this context, it refers to an independent party who has connection with the teacher training
               program especially in two groups: staff (policy makers and supervisors of the program) and attendees
               (subject teachers).

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