Page 193 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 193

Identifying the Target Needs of Non-Native Subject Teachers

               3.   Please use the space below to indicate your suggestions for the development and revision of the
                    language courses in the first and second term of the training program.

               Part 4

               Demographic Information

               Work Experience: …………….….……………………………… (Duration month or year)
               If you would like to give more information about your work experience, use the space below, please.
               I have been learning English for…………………………………… (Duration month or year)
               If you would like to give more information about your language learning experience, use the space
                    below, please.
               Thank you for your participation and cooperation ☺

               APPENDIX 2

               Course Manager’s Interview Questions

               a.   Demographics:
                    1.   How do you describe your job?
                    2.   What is your field of expertise?
                    3.   How old are you?
                    4.   How long have you been working as a teacher trainer?
                    5.   Can you tell us about your teaching experiences?
                    6.   How long have you been the manager of the course in this program?
                    7.   Have you ever had a similar job?
                    8.   Have you ever taught in a course similar to this before?

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