P. 48

Direct Purchases
               Direct Purchases

               Once the need arises for a purchase on a project, the PM should check the Contract to determine a) if
               ODCs purchases are allowed, b) under what type of CLIN the ODCs will be purchased (e.g., FFP CLIN or
               Cost Reimbursable  CLIN),  c)  what sort  of  requirements  or  regulations  are there  regarding ODC
               purchases under a Cost Reimbursable CLIN (e.g., COR approval, no fee on ODCs, price justification,
               etc.), and d) if there are funds available for the purchase.  If the purchase exceeds the micropurchase
               threshold of the FAR (updated frequently but is easily searchable on Google), the PA (or purchaser)
               must complete a vendor justification form which includes three quotes for price comparison or a sole
               source justification to be included in the COR approval request, if applicable.  The PA will negotiate
               payment terms and methods with the vendor and obtain shipping information. The PA will then use
               all of the information gathered to fill out the PR and create the PR package which should include all
               supporting documentation, including the quote, vendor justification, and COR approval. Once the PR
               has been fully completed and approved by the PM, the PA may order the item using a Purchase Order
               form (available in Vysnova Standard PgM Docs ShareSync folder, see Annex E) that is sent to the
               If payment is needed in advance of the receipt of goods, send the PR and a proforma invoice or quote
               to in order for advance payment to be made. It is Vysnova policy to
               avoid advance payments, if possible.

               Once the item(s) has been delivered, the PA must obtain proof of delivery if delivered to a third party
               (e.g. confirmation email from the subcontractor or client). After the PA receives the final invoice from
               the vendor after delivery, the PA will update the PR package with the final invoice, confirmation of
               delivery,  and any  other necessary updates  and send  the updated PR package to
     , indicating in the Subject that it is a revised PR and referencing the
               voucher the payment was initially paid on.


                All costs for which subcontractors/consultants are requesting reimbursement should be accompanied
               by an invoice (e.g. Travel Expense Reports, Receipts, etc.). PRs must be completed for all subcontractor
               and consultant invoices.  The PA completes the  PR  using the information  on  the invoice and the
               consutant/subcontractor agreement.  They should  include supporting documentation in the PR
               package before sending to the PM for review. Supporting documentation may include: Timesheets for
               labor hour subcontracts or consulting agreements, wire/ACH info sheets, a W8 or W9 if this is the first
               time this year that we are paying this vendor, receipts for any cost reimbursable items, deliverables
               for performance-based agreements, and a copy of the subcontract/consulting agreement. W8, W9,
               and Wire/ACH Info Forms are all available in Vysnova Standard PgM Docs ShareSync folder, see Annex
               E. Once the PR package has been fully approved, it is sent to

               Small Purchases

               For small purchases, the PA will locate an item to be purchased, complete the PR, and order the item.
               If the vendor does not offer terms for the payment, the PA will work with the PM or Controller to use
               the company credit card.
               Purchase Approvals

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