P. 53

If you go over Per Diem you need to either get approval from PM or Customer. Once approval
                  is received the cost can either be booked to the project, unbillable or unallowable. Again,
                  approval is needed for any of these circumstances.
                  Car Rental

                  Car rentals can be used when needed if it is more economical than other modes of travel.
                  Consider how many trips you will be making per day as well as distance between destinations.
                  If it is just from the airport to the hotel it is more economical to use a taxi or Uber rather than
                  paying parking fees at the hotel and daily rental fees.
                  Conference Costs

                  If you are attending a conference, list the conference fee and other associated costs.

                  Supporting Documentation

                  A TER should be supported by the following documentation:

                  •  Signed Travel Authorization Request
                  •  Travel Advance Form plus proof of receipt (if applicable)
                  •  Receipts for all costs that exceed $25 USD
                  •  For all receipts in foreign currencies, the exchange rate must be supported with either the
                      OANDA website’s historical exchange rate (, credit card statement that shows
                      USD equivalence, or cash exchange receipt for items paid in cash
                  •  Itemized lodging receipt
                  •  Airfare tickets
                  •  Government M&IE rate printout (GSA site for most agencies, DOD site for clients within
                  •  Trip Report (template available in the Vysnova Standard PgM Docs ShareSync folder, see
                      Annex E)

                  Guidelines on Personal Travel during Domestic Assignments
                  Official Break

                  If an assignment runs for five weeks or longer and requires a traveler to be away from their
                  home city, the traveler or the PM may propose that the assignment be broken around the mid-
                  point for a trip home for the out of town travelers. If approved by Vysnova, the travel for this
                  home visit will be funded by the project; however, the traveler’s time during the trip will not be
                  funded by the project. The break will be scheduled according to the workflow requirements of
                  the SOW/PWS and will be subject to approval of the project and the PM. Subject to Vysnova
                  approval, the project will arrange and cover the cost of this ticket/travel.

                  Personal Break

                  If a traveler elects, for personal reasons, to travel during those weekends when no assignment
                  work is scheduled, then the traveler is fully responsible for making and paying for her/his own
                  travel arrangements. (Note: Traveler responsibility includes cancellation and re-booking of
                  hotel, and  any  fees  assessed  by  the  hotel for  inadequate  notice  will  be  the consultant’s
                  responsibility.) Such personal travel should not interfere with the traveler’s commitment to be
                  present and working  during the project-specific schedule for  workdays  billed.  The project

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