P. 57

ANNEX B: Signature Authorization Matrix

               ANNEX B: Vysnova Authorization Matrix

                                              Vysnova Partners, Inc.                                 FY 2021 Authorization Matrix

                Corporate Authorization Matrix             Contracts  2                                                  HR                                   Administration  Media  Policy
                                                                                 Employment   Consulting   Salary
                        LEADERSHIP TEAM        NDA      TA    Proposals  Contracts  Agreement  Agreement  Increase  Travel  Purchase  Media  Governance and
                                                                                                                                            Company Policies
                President & CEO                                                             Final Approval In All Areas
                VP & COO                       Approval  Approval  Approval  Approval  Approval  Approval  Approval  Approval  Approval  Approval  Drafts & Recommends
                VP Business Development       Approval See  Approval See   Approval See   See Note [6]                               Drafts &   Drafts & Recommends
                                               Note [8]  Note [8]  Note [8]                                                         Recommends
                LEARDERSHIP TEAM (External Resources)
                Chief Information Officer (vCIO)               See note [6]  See note [2]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  Supports as   Supports as needed.
                Chief Financial Officer (vCFO)                 See note [6]  See note [2]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  Supports as   Supports as needed.
                Corporate Legal Counsel        Supports as   Supports as   Supports as   Supports as   Supports as needed.  Supports as   Supports as   Supports as   Supports as needed.  Supports as   Supports as needed.
                                                needed.  needed.  needed.  needed.           needed.   needed.   needed.              needed.
                      MANAGEMENT TEAM
                Accounting Manager/Controller  7      See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [2]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  Supports as   Supports as needed.
                Capture Manager                Supports as   Supports as   Supports as   Supports as                                 Drafts &   Drafts & Recommends
                                                needed.  needed.  needed.  needed.                                                  Recommends
                Contracts Manager              See note [2]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [2]  See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  Supports as needed.  Supports as   Supports as needed.
                Communications Manager                                                                                               Drafts &   Supports as needed.
                Human Resource Manager                         Supports as   Supports as   See note [6]  See note [6]  See note [6]  Supports as   Drafts & Recommends
                                                                needed.  needed.                                                      needed.
                Operations Manager                                              Supports as needed.  Supports as   Supports as                 See note [6]
                                                                                             needed.   needed.
                     PROGRAM MANAGERS
                Corporate Program Manager,                     Supports as   Supports as   See note [6]  See note [6]  Recommendation   Project Travel   Project purchases   Supports as   Recommendation only.
                Management/Consulting Programs                  needed.  needed.                      only. Requires   ONLY. Requires   ONLY. Requires   needed.
                                                                                                     Financial review.  Financial Review.   Financial and
                                                                                                     Based on contract   Not to exceed   Purchasing Officer
                                                                                                    escalation but not to   $20,000.  Review. Not to
                                                                                                      exceed 3%.        exceed $20,000 on any
                                                                                                                        individual purchase; or
                                                                                                                         cumulatively exceed
                                                                                                                        $50,000 in any month.

                                                            Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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