P. 62

ANNEX D: Executive Signature SOPs

               ANNEX D: Executive Signature SOPs
               Requesting Senior Leadership Approval

               Background: Executive Approval is required for; 1) Accounting, e.g.: Corporate Requests, Purchase
               Requisitions (PRs), Business Expense Reports (BERs) and Travel Expense Reports (TERs) that exceed
               the predetermined dollar threshold, 2)  Contracts &  Agreements, e.g.:  all  Contract Documents,
               Modification of Contracts and Task Orders, and 3) Corporate Administration, e.g.: any other documents
               requiring the approval and signature of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and/or Chief Operating
               Officer (COO).

               Process: Review and approval of the cited documents will adhere to the process delineated below:
               The CEO or COO will only approve/sign the documents listed above on Mondays and Wednesdays of
               each week. If either Monday or a Wednesday is a holiday and/or weekend, then there will be no
               signatures on that date.
                   •  Exemptions will be made for any urgent requests via the CEO or COO Executive Assistant (EA).
                   •  All supporting documentation must be submitted with the request for approval/signature.

               1.  Requests for approval/signature must be saved under the appropriate folders listed below by COB
                   Friday for Monday’s  approval/signature,  and by COB Tuesday for Wednesday’s
                   approval/signature. Please submit the document to be signed and any accompanying, supporting
                   files to the appropriate folder:

                   •  "- Requests - Executive Approval\John\Accounting"
                   •  "- Requests - Executive Approval\John\Contracts & Agreements"
                   •  "- Requests - Executive Approval\Carlos"
               2.  After approval/signature of the requested document, the COO AND/OR CEO’s EA will email back
                   to the requestor the requested document for your appropriate action.

               3.  If any document needs adjustments prior to approval/signature, the COO AND/OR CEO’s EA will
                   inform the requestor of the required corrective action. Once corrected, the forms will start the
                   process over at step 1.
               4.  Once Approved, a copy of the signed document will be saved to the appropriate archived folders:

                   •  "-Requests - Archive\Accounting"
                   •  "-Requests - Archive\Contracts & Agreements"
                   •  "- Requests - Archive\Corporate Administration"

               Additionally, any document  requiring a signature that the CEO or COO is serving as a
               supervisor or program manager for will follow the process detailed above.

                                   Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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