P. 63

ANNEX E: Vysnova Standard Documents

               ANNEX E: Vysnova Standard PgM Documents
               The Vysnova Standard PgM Documents folder is shared with all PgM staff upon hire. Below is the
               structure of this shared folder along with a list of templates or documents mentioned throughout this
               PM Guide that can be found there. Some templates/forms also have SAMPLES that can be found in
               the same folder and have been annotated as such.
               PgM staff should not change these documents or upload additional documents to these folders. PgM
               staff should copy these templates into their project folder for use in the management of their projects.
               These documents are managed by Vysnova Corporate and updated on a biannual basis. PgM staff
               should copy over the latest templates into their project folder every Jan 1  and July 1  to ensure their
               project is always utilizing the current template.
                 Vysnova Standard PgM Docs
                     i.  PgM Folder Structure
                    ii.  PgM Manuals & SOPs
                       1.  Contracts & Subcontracts:
                           a.  Subcontractor Guide to Doing Business with Vysnova
                       2.  Accounting:
                           a.  Accounting Manual
                       3.  Travel:
                           a.  JTR
                    iii.  PgM Templates & Forms
                       1.  PgM Processes
                           a.  Briefing Deck Template
                           b.  Meeting Minutes Template
                           c.  PM Leadership Briefing Deck
                           d.  Project Charter
                           e.  Project Management Plan (PMP)
                           f.  Risk Matrix
                           g.  Risk Register for Briefing Decks
                           h.  Sample Signature Block
                           i.  Vysnova Letterhead
                       2.  Human Resources:
                           a.  Employee Knowledge Transfer Questionnaire
                           b.  Interview Questionnaire
                           c.  New Hire On-Boarding Checklist
                           d.  Offboarding Checklist
                           e.  Performance Evaluation (PE)
                           f.  Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
                           g.  Position Description (PD) Template
                           h.  Position Requisition Form
                           i.  Teleworking Policy and Request Form
                       3.  Information Technology:
                           a.  Inventory Table of Equipment
                           b.  New E-Mail Account Request Form
                           c.  New IT User Request Form
                           d.  Project IT Recommendation Form
                           e.  Project User Close-out Form
                       4.  Security:
                           a.  Clearance Prescreen Form
                           b.  Office Visitor Sign-In Sheet
                                   Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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